Page 50 of Drew

“Are you sure?”

“Sure that I want you permanently in my home and my life? You shouldn’t have to ask. I’ve made it clear that I want you in every possible way.”

Her arms snaked up and around his neck, her fingers tangling in the hair there. “I want you too. However, I can have you.”

“You’ve got it. All of me. Forever. Whenever you’re ready.”

She knew he was alluding to imprinting. He hadn’t pushed her regarding their mating bond, but she knew he thought of it often. She did too. Seeing how connected the other pairs were and listening to them talk about their mating stories and how they came together made her long to cement their bond. Her past was dark and dirty and left her scarred. Faster than she expected, Drew had healed her. She felt complete and loved.

She saw how Fredrica missed Maddox. She’d seen the strength of their bond. She’d felt the acceptance of the pack. Before she could decide about moving, imprinting, and the future, he lifted her chin and looked down at her. “I love you.”

She put a few inches of space between them. “What?”

A smile ghosted across his face. “Don’t say anything. Just let me love the strong, independent, creative you.”

His lips settled over hers. She gave her all to the kiss, and soon, he swept her into his arms. Tonight, she’d let him love her; tomorrow, she’d move the rest of her things in, and after that, she’d ask him to solidify their union because she loved him too.


They’d had too much fun shopping for lingerie. Having decided she wanted to ask Drew to imprint on her, she’d gone to Fredrica for an idea to help her make it memorable. When Fredrica had suggested lingerie to rival a new bride’s wedding undergarments, it had enthralled her. Together they had scoured two malls and three sex shops, looking for the perfect outfit. They filled the day with giggles as they tried on multiple outfits. Besides her outfit for tonight, she’d bought a corset, a wide selection of panties, and two new sex toys. Fredrica had walked out of the shops with a few bags of her own as well.

After their shopping excursion, they’d hit a salon for hair and makeup. Alyssa wasn’t sure if she and Drew would ever get married. Some mated couples seemed to, and others didn’t, but she was treating tonight exactly like her wedding night. Primped and polished, she was giddy with excitement and filled with nervous energy.

Standing before the mirror, she adjusted the ties on the side of the thong and fussed with the top. She’d selected a white two-piece lingerie set. The little silk bow at the back of the thong brushed against her skin as she shifted her breasts within the white see-through mesh top. It was a cute off-the-shoulder piece that looked like something a sexy milkmaid would wear. The tie on the top rested between her breasts, and she could see her nipples through the material.

She looked hot.

She bit her lip and tried not to giggle. Taking a deep breath, she slipped on the classic white pumps she’d bought before heading toward the stairs.

Tires on the gravel drive alerted her to Drew’s arrival. Hurrying as quickly as possible, she rushed down the stairs, careful not to trip. Her gaze darted to the fireplace, where the flames were growing. The heels clicked on the tiled floor as she retrieved the two wine glasses she’d poured before getting dressed. Moving to the couch, she leaned against it, striking a sexy pose.

When a car door slammed, she took a quick sip from one glass—liquid courage.

She pasted on a smile when the front door opened. Then she heard voices. Yes, more than one.


The door shut and Drew and Callum both turned, stunned expressions on their faces.

“Oh my God!” she squealed, but holding two wine glasses left her with minimal options for covering herself. Scrambling, she set them down on the end table, and trying not to flash them her basically bare ass, she grabbed for the throw blanket on the back of the couch, using it to cover up.

Mortified, she could hear Callum laugh, but she couldn’t bring herself to raise her gaze. “Hell of a sendoff, Alyssa. Thanks!”

“Get outside, you fucker.”

She could just imagine Drew giving Callum a shove out the door.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Alyssa put her burning face into her hands, but she couldn’t stop the laughter. This was not how she’d planned on starting their night.

She was growing more accustomed to the nudity. Pack members were often naked before and after a hunt, even if for a brief few minutes. But being dolled up with her assets on display in such a sexual manner was entirely different from a midnight pack run.

Two minutes later, when Drew came back in, Alyssa still had the blanket across her body, but she’d relaxed against the couch and had finished half her glass of wine.

With a big smile, Drew removed his shoes and crossed the floor. “Callum was coming to say goodbye.”

“Yeah, I got that.” She took another long sip. “I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be. Callum thinks I’m a lucky man.” Drew’s gaze ran down her body. “He’s not wrong.”