“I’m glad you figured things out with them.”
He pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“How is yer dad? He okay with ye wanting tae move here?”
“He’s the one who told me to not fear change and do what makes me happy, so yeah, he supports this. And he wants to meet you at some point.”
“We can arrange that.”
Thane grinned and bit his lip.
“Aye. Am gonnae help ye move yer stuff up here, dinnae want ye deaing with that all by yerself. So, I’ll have tae go doon tae Seaford to bring ye home. And we’ll visit him. I know ye’re close tae yer dad. Dinnae want ye missing oot on seeing him.”
Why are you so perfect? It’s like you’ll do anything for me… actually… I’m pretty sure you would. But I’d also do anything for you.
“Bring me home?”
My brain snagged on those words.
“Aye, ye’re home is here with me.”
I didn’t know what to say for a long moment. Where I would live hadn’t been something I had given too much thought to. I figured I would work it out after I talked to Thane, as then I would know where we stood.
“You want me to move in here?”
“Only if ye want tae. If ye’re no ready for that, then we can find ye a place in toon, but tae be very clear, I want ye tae live here with me.”
“It’s tae soon? That’s okay. I’ll talk tae Callan, he’ll know somewhere we can set ye up. I just didnae want ye tae think ye had no support. I know ye dinnae like change and this willnae be easy for ye. If ye’re here with me, I can take care of ye. I wannae dae that.”
I put a hand on his chest. I couldn’t with this man.
“It’s not that… I’m just trying to wrap my head around the fact you’d do that for me.”
“I’d dae anything. Ye’re the one uprooting yer life. This is the very least I can dae for ye. But that’s no the reason. I truly want tae live with ye. I know what being apart from ye feels like. I dinnae want that again.”
There I had it, confirmation that Thane would, indeed, do anything for me.
“It’s going to be a little while before I realistically can move.”
“It’s enough for me tae know that ye are.”
“So you just suddenly decided that you want me to live here?”
Thane grinned.
“No, have been thinking aboot it since ye told me ye wannae move. I weighed up the options in mah head over dinner and then made a decision.”
“But we’ve only spent like two and a half weeks together. I’m a lot to deal with, you know.”
His eyebrows raised slowly.
“Ye’re no a lot tae deal with, Kit. I love ye the way ye are. Ye dinnae have tae worry ye’re gonnae be tae much for me. Ye could never be.”
In all fairness, Thane had seen me at one of my worst points. He witnessed the varying degrees of intensity when it came to my meltdowns. He listened when I explained my specific autistic traits to him since no two autistic people were the same. He didn’t make me feel like I was a burden or that I was ever too much. Sure, he teased me about crying after sex, but I knew he was joking. That was how we were together.