“I’ll move in with you provided you promise me that you’ll be honest if it doesn’t work, and we need to figure something else out.”
It wasn’t that I didn’t want to live with Thane. I really did, but I was nervous about the whole thing. Living with another person was a big deal to me. But I loved him and being apart from him had been tough. The transition from living in Seaford to living here would be easier if I had him to support me through it. There would be a lot of bad days mixed in with the good ones. It was something I had to prepare both of us for.
“I swear I’ll always be honest with ye.”
“Then okay… wait, won’t your landlord have something to say about this?”
“Baird? No, he’ll no make any issue of it.” Thane shrugged. “He’s said in the past that he’d sell the place tae me.”
“Would you want to buy it?”
“Mibbe in the future if that’s something we want. There’s no rush.”
We… he said we. He’s already seeing us as a couple who makes these decisions together.
“Well, I like it here, but you’re right, we can decide that when we’re ready.”
Thane pressed a kiss to my lips and gave me a soft smile.
“Guid. Am happy ye wannae come live with me. I wouldnae have asked ye tae move away from yer home tae be with me.”
“I appreciate that, but I don’t want to be away from you. And, honestly, I don’t want to live anywhere near Sienna and her bullshit. I ran into her a couple of days ago and she pretended I didn’t even exist. Not that I tried to talk to her or anything because fuck her.”
“Aye, fuck her. She’s no worth yer time or energy.”
I smiled.
“Dad told me that he never liked her and is glad we aren’t friends any longer. He put up with her for my sake. I wish he’d said something earlier, but it’s like he said, I have to make my own choices.”
He stroked my hair back from my face.
“Aye, we all make mistakes. I know I’ve made a lot of them, but ye’ll never be one.”
“You’ll never be one for me either.”
Thane pressed his forehead against mine and just breathed with me with a smile on his face.
My heart felt so full right then. I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome when I came up here to tell Thane how I felt. It had been the scariest thing I’d ever done. But I trusted him enough to be vulnerable. I’d shown him my worst parts and he accepted me for who I was. He loved me. And he was mine now.
We would have a lot of challenges ahead of us, but we’d be together, supporting each other through them. I never thought I would find someone who cared the way Thane did. Who made me see that I was worthy of having my needs met. He didn’t think I was difficult or too much. He didn’t view my disability as a problem, but as something to accommodate to help make things easier on me. He was perfect in my eyes. And I couldn’t wait to continue on this adventure we called life with him.
After a while of us just holding each other, we got up to get ready for bed. He gave me one of his t-shirts to wear and said I could take it home with me. He wanted to give me something of his to keep while we were apart. When we were dressed and our teeth were brushed, we got tucked up in bed together again. Thane held me against his chest and kissed my forehead.
“I love ye, Kit,” he whispered.
I kissed his chest and snuggled deeper into his embrace.
“Love you too.”
I fell asleep with him, finally back in my safe place with the man I’d shared the scariest experiences of my life with. But we got through that together. We would get through whatever life threw at us too because we had each other. And that was all that mattered.