My head whipped around to Kit.
“I dinnae wannae put ye oot if ye’re gonnae get home.”
They shrugged before eyeing Callan. Kit didn’t want to have this conversation in front of him. Neither did I.
“How aboot I leave ye two tae decide amongst yerselves?” Callan said, clearly knowing he wasn’t wanted.
He got out before either of us could say a word.
I let out a breath the moment he slammed the door shut.
Kit shifted in their seat, their fingers struggling to unclip the belt. I leaned across and did it for them.
“Going home isn’t on the top of my list of priorities,” Kit said slowly as they met my eyes. “A hot shower and a change of clothes are more pressing.”
My throat got all tight as I thought about them naked in my shower. Hot water spilling down their skin.
“Okay, look, Dad told Sienna about me going missing and I’m not ready to deal with that shit yet. You said you can’t drive, so let me help you until you can. I’ll speak to Roman. I’m sure he’ll rearrange my schedule. He’ll understand why I need a few more days.”
“Are ye asking tae stay with me?”
I had to be sure.
How on earth could I say no after everything Kit had done for me? Would this go some way to repaying them?
I leaned back in my seat and rubbed my beard.
“Ye wannae ask Roman first?”
Kit bit their lip.
“I suppose so.”
“Let’s go get yer stuff then.”
I unclipped my seatbelt and got out of the car. Callan was leaning on the bonnet.
“Ye made a decision?”
“Help Kit take their stuff to the Defender.”
I almost rolled my eyes at his smirk.
I hate you.
They set off towards the lodge, leaving me to round the back of Callan’s car and open the boot. I dug through my pack to find my keys. There was no point in me taking anything over there myself. Callan would tell me off. I hobbled over to the car to unlock it and got in the passenger side.
By the time Kit and Callan had finished loading stuff into the Defender, I was impatient to get home.
“Ye keep him safe,” Callan said to Kit before they shut the door after they got in.
“I will.”
I handed Kit the keys, feeling a wee bit apprehensive about someone else driving my car.
“Don’t worry, I have insurance,” they assured me as they adjusted the seat and mirrors.