Page 62 of The Edge of Never

“I’m not that tired now,” they said after a minute.

“Ye wannae talk?”

“Not really. All talked out after today.”

They shifted on top of me. I tried not to think about which parts of them were pressing against me. To not imagine myself with my hand around their neck. The guilt surrounding wanting them had all but left me. And yet I couldn’t bring myself to act on it. I had no fucking clue how Kit truly felt about me. Besides, it wouldn’t be right. We weren’t in this situation by choice. They didn’t ask to have to lie on top of me at night to stay warm.

“Do you still keep in touch with Jenna’s family?”

The question made me tense up.


“Why not?”

“I dinnae wannae talk aboot them nor mah family, Kit.”

I might have been okay with sharing about Jenna, but our families were a sore spot in my life. I was ashamed of the way I treated them. Opening up that can of worms felt like too much after exposing my wounds to Kit.

“Oh, okay… I won’t make you. Sorry, I mentioned it.”

“Why are ye always apologising? Ye dinnae need tae. Am no mad at ye for bringing it up.”

They moved again, making me hold back a grunt. Kit rubbing themself against me wasn’t helping me stay under control. In fact, it was making things increasingly difficult.

“I don’t want to talk about my inability to stop apologising to people.”

“Mibbe we shouldnae talk then.”

I didn’t want us getting into a fight after the way we’d connected today. It would leave a sour taste in both our mouths. We’d called a truce, and I intended to stick by that.


“Guidnight, Kit.”


Their voice was tight, but I chose not to ask what was wrong. Kit shifted on me again, clearly trying to get comfortable. I fisted my hands at my sides even as my body involuntarily reacted to it.

Just stay still and hope they don’t notice.

I closed my eyes and begged my body to stop, but it was impossible when Kit kept wriggling. It wasn’t long before I was lying underneath them with an aching cock, wishing I was anywhere else. Wishing they would notice what they were doing to me.

I want you so fucking bad, Kit. I don’t know when the hell this started, but I can’t hold it in any longer. Pretending this isn’t happening isn’t working. It’s only getting worse. I can’t control it. I can’t fix it. I don’t know what the fuck to do.

My brain kept chanting at me to give in. To allow temptation to overtake all of my senses and bring me some damn relief. My hands clenched and unclenched, desperate to touch them. To make them fucking stop moving to give me peace.

When Kit let out a frustrated sigh, I couldn’t take it any longer. Neither of us would get any rest if they kept rubbing against my cock. My very hard cock that I couldn’t ignore. And quite frankly, I didn’t know how they could either.

Without thinking too hard about what I was doing, my hand came up and gripped their hair, pulling their head back to get their attention. In the dark, I could only make out the outline of their face.

Kit froze, their breathing heavy in the still night air.

“If ye dinnae stop that, am gonnae dae something we’ll both regret.”

I could feel their eyes on me even if I couldn’t see them. We stared at each other for a long moment. Kit said nothing, but I knew exactly what question was on their lips. The one they were desperate to ask.

Like what, Thane?