Page 122 of The Edge of Never

I shrugged.

“Yeah. I know all about Jenna.”

He nodded slowly and gave me another smile.

“He was a fucking mess after she died. Callan dropped everything tae take care of him. Was a time when I wasnae sure I’d get mah husband back.”

I laced my fingers together in my lap and kept my mouth shut, not knowing where Ruairí was going with this.

“I did eventually, but he came home with a new houseguest. He was with us for almost a year. Thought he’d never leave, but Callan set him up here. Thane’s still a grumpy fuck but am glad he’s met someone new.”

“He lived with you?”

Thane hadn’t told me about that part. I knew he was grateful to Callan for helping him through it, but I had no idea what lengths Callan had gone to.

“Aye, after he sold the hoose. Well, Callan did it for him. He just signed the paperwork. I dinnae blame mah husband. Thane’s parents were fucking useless and his sister’s in the Outer Hebrides with her kids and husband, so she couldnae help him. Surprised he got back on his feet. Callan never gave up on him, even if everyone else in his life did.”

He looked up in time to see his husband approaching with a pair of drinks in hand.

“What are ye telling, Kit?” Callan asked with a suspicious look in his eyes.

“Never ye mind.”

Ruairí gave me a conspiratorial wink. I tried to keep a straight face and not let on that he’d told me something I wasn’t sure I was meant to know.

“I dinnae trust ye.”

“Would I, yer beloved, tell yer best friend’s new partner something I shouldnae?”

“Aye, ye fucking would.”

“I cannae believe ye’d think so lowly of me.”

“Am warning ye.”

He stood up and gave his husband a peck on the cheek.

“We heard ye giving Thane a hard time. Mibbe learn tae keep yer voice doon.”

Ruairí walked away towards the table, where Thane was placing down plates filled with food. Callan followed after him with a stormy look on his face.


Thane ignored the two of them as Callan caught up to his husband and dropped the drinks on the table before he dragged Ruairí away into the corridor where the bathroom and bedroom were.

Thane waved me over. I got up off the sofa and quick walked towards him, letting Thane catch me up in his arms and rest his chin on the top of my head.

“Ye okay?”

I pressed my cheek to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. That gave me comfort.

“Yeah, I’m good. Are those two going to be okay?”

“Aye. They’re always like that. What did Ruairí say tae ye?”


I didn’t want to lie to him, but I wasn’t sure now was the right time to bring it up.