“They’re here. Why dinnae ye put yer stuff in mah room before they come in?”
They nodded before shedding their coat and shoes. Kit took their bag into my room and returned as Callan and Ruairí were walking up the steps of the deck.
This dinner was meant to be a thank you to them for helping me work through things regarding my sexuality over the past few weeks. As much as I hadn’t wanted to discuss it with Ruairí, he had been very understanding and answered the questions I had that I couldn’t ask anyone else.
The fact Kit was here to share it with us was just the icing on the cake. They’d paved the way for this discovery after all. If it wasn’t for them, I might never have spoken to Callan about my confusing feelings and discovered a whole new side of myself.
Before Kit could move away, I tucked them up under my arm as I went to open the front door. Now I had them back, I didn’t want to let them go. A part of me needed to touch them, and I wanted to give them my strength to get through this dinner. Kit would be anxious, no doubt.
I slid open the front door, finding Callan staring at the two of us with wide eyes, and Ruairí had a raised eyebrow.
“Look who turned up no long before ye did,” I said, grinning down at Kit.
They gave me a look as if to say this wasn’t funny.
“Hullo, Kit,” Callan said, as his eyes began to twinkle.
“Hey, Callan, Ruairí, it’s nice to see you again,” Kit replied as they turned towards our guests.
I moved back to allow them both inside, taking Kit with me. They curled into me, wrapping both arms around my middle. Leaning down, I pressed a kiss to their forehead, not even caring about the looks I got from Callan and Ruairí for my casual display of affection.
“Beer?” I asked the two of them without straightening.
“Ruairí will have one. Am driving, so a juice for me,” Callan said as he took off his coat and slid out of his shoes, while Ruairí did the same.
“Water is fine,” they mumbled.
I kissed their forehead again and pushed them in the direction of the living room. Kit looked at me for reassurance as they walked towards it. I gave them a nod before moving into the kitchen to sort drinks and finish getting the food done.
I noted that Ruairí followed Kit, but Callan came towards me with eyes as wide as saucers. He had no intention of waiting until later to get an explanation for Kit’s appearance. I just hoped Kit would be okay with Ruairí for a few minutes until dinner was ready. If not, I’d rescue them in an instant.
I’d do anything for Kit because while I hadn’t said it yet, I was in love with them too. And I’d tell them that later when we were alone, along with everything else I’d discovered about myself while we were apart.
Thirty Nine
As I sat down on the sofa, I noticed Callan following Thane into the kitchen and heard the hushed words he directed towards his best friend.
“What was that?”
“What dae ye mean?” came Thane’s response.
“Ye and the forehead kisses. Have ye been replaced by an alien or something?”
Thane’s snort echoed around the room. I had no idea why Thane kissing me on the forehead was so surprising. He did that a lot when we were together.
Ruairí took a seat on the other side of the sofa from me, setting his arm down across the top of it. He was burly, with a bald head and a beard. His hazel eyes shot to mine, and he gave me a grin.
“Dinnae mind mah husband. He’s just surprised tae see Thane willingly engaging in public displays of affection,” he said with a dismissive wave towards Callan.
“He didn’t do that with Jenna?”
Ruairí raised a dark brown brow.
“No. He told ye aboot her, did he?”