Page 119 of The Edge of Never

Turn you down? How could I turn you down, Kit?

I supposed they had no clue how I felt. And it made me realise how brave they were to come here and say all of this without any guarantee that I would reciprocate their feelings. How much courage it must have taken them to face me like this. They were one of the strongest people I knew.

“But I really, really, really hope that you’ll give us a chance because I think we’re good for each other. You make me happy and I… I…”

Their voice broke as they tried to hold back their emotions.

I took a step towards them but kept my hands at my sides, not knowing whether to do something.

“I love you, Thane. I know that probably sounds nuts and it’s really, really fast, but I… I just love you.”

They shrugged helplessly, staring at me with tears welling in their eyes.

“I really l—”

I surged forward, grabbed hold of their face with both hands and kissed them. Kit froze as I did it, but I didn’t care. They loved me. And I knew they wouldn’t stop talking if I didn’t shut them up.

I kept kissing them until Kit let out a wee whimper and gripped my arms. Releasing their mouth, I closed my eyes and rested my forehead against theirs.

“Kit,” I breathed.


I opened my eyes and stared at them.

“If ye want me as much as ye say ye dae, then ye should be kissing me back.”

“I wasn’t expecting you to kiss me.”

“Was the only way I could shut ye up. Ye didnae seem like ye were gonnae at any point.”

They blinked.

“You stole my move.”

I smiled.

“Aye, noo, ye gonnae be angry aboot it or kiss me?”

“Kiss you.”


I caught their mouth again and this time, Kit kissed me back with as much passion as I gave them. I let go of their face to wrap my arms around them, hauling their body against mine. Fuck, it felt so good to have them close again. There was no scenario I’d imagined where they turned up at my doorstep to declare their love for me. Kit made the grandest gesture ever by telling me they were going to move here. And that meant the world to me.

You picked me despite knowing everything you know about me. You chose me, Kit. I don’t know if anyone has ever picked me before. I’m… enough. I’m really enough for someone. Fuck.

“Am so fucking happy ye’re here,” I told them as my mouth left theirs and I hugged them tighter against my chest. “But as much as I wannae talk aboot everything, we dinnae have time right noo, so it’ll have tae wait until later.”


“Callan and Ruairí will be here in a wee bit.”

Kit pulled their head away from my chest to stare up at me.

“Ruairí from the course?”

“Aye. He’s Callan’s husband.”