Page 35 of Back to Us

Without another word, Peter huffed away, and it was then Skylar realized her hand was on Elena’s knee. Elena reached under the table and squeezed her hand as her sad brown eyes looked at her.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m so sorry about him.” Tears welled in Elena’s eyes. “I didn’t think he would be here. If I did, I wouldn’t have brought you here, I promise.”

“It’s okay, Ellie.” She scooted her chair closer to Elena’s. “He’s always been a dick, and it’s clear nothing has changed.”

Her comment made Elena laugh, even if it was a little sad. Skylar reached out and tucked Elena’s hair behind her ear. She gently caressed her cheek as she wiped a tear from her eyes.

“Why don’t we pay the bill and get out of here?”

Elena nodded. Skylar took her bag off the back of the chair and laid down a wad of cash that was more than enough for the bill. Taking her hand, Skylar led her out of the restaurant and into the car. The drive home was quiet, and Skylar held only Elena’s hand the whole time.

Arriving back at the house, Skylar parked the car in the garage and closed the door. She looked over at Elena, who was still staring out the windshield.

“Do you think he’s such a dick because his is so small?”

Elena busted out laughing, which made Skylar feel relieved. “Thank you, I needed that. And it was small.”

“I remember you talking about that.”

“Ugh,” Elena covered her face with her hands, “I can’t believe I ever married that prick.”

“We all make mistakes.” The truth of her sentence stung as Peter’s words came back to her.

Well, isn’t that exactly how you ruined it?

Peter had some damn nerve to say shit like that when he didn’t know the whole story. Skylar wanted to be mad; she wanted to rant about how much she hated Peter. But as she looked into Elena’s brown eyes, all she could think about was kissing her.

Leaning across the car, Skylar placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

“What about the five-foot rule?”

“The fact you defended me to Peter meant I’m allowed to break that rule.”

“Yeah?” Elena’s eyebrow arched slightly. “Well, since you’ve already broken the rule, why don’t you really kiss me then?”

Every inch of Skylar’s body wanted her to kiss Elena. But if she were honest with herself, she knew kissing would only be the start of how their evening would do. And Skylar knew that had the possibility to be detrimental not only to the two of them but also to Maine Event.”

“Because,” Skylar sighed as she twirled Elena’s hair around her finger, “if I start kissing you, I know I won’t stop.”

Elena licked her lips. “How is that sexier than you just kissing me?”

“Because I’m good like that.”

Skylar all but forced herself to get out of the car as she and Elena headed inside the house. They lingered by the stairs, neither wanting to say goodnight but knowing that they should.

“We should have dinner again sometime together.”

“You still want to hang out with me even after all that craziness?”

“I’ll always want to hang out with you, Ellie.” Skylar knew she had to go; she had to leave Elena; otherwise, their five-foot rule would be blown to shit on day one. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow,” Elena’s voice was barely a whisper. Walking down the stairs, Skylar kept her eyes locked with Elena’s until she was out of sight.

Yeah, that five-foot rule might need to be fifty feet.

Chapter 13