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Peter Hamilton.

Elena’s ex.

He was well dressed as usual in a tailored navy-blue suit, bright orange tie, and brown loafers. Skylar tried not to scowl at him as he approached the table.

“Well, well, well,” Peter put his hand on the back of Elena’s chair, and Skylar was instantly on edge. “Fancy meeting you two here.”

“What are you doing here, Peter?”

“I wanted Mexican food.”

“I meant here,” Elena gestured at the table.

“I wanted to say hi.”

“Well, I don’t. So leave. Please.”

Skylar could tell Elena was uncomfortable. Her voice was higher pitched than usual, and she was nervously bouncing her leg under the table. Peter was clearly not giving a shit that Elena had asked him to leave. If Skylar hadn’t been in a public space, she would have slugged him.

“I heard about the tour.”

“Peter,” Elena sighed, “please leave us alone.”

Skylar narrowed her eyes at him as he pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. “I’m just asking about the tour.”

“Which I don’t want to discuss with you, so please leave. I’ve asked nicely three times now.”

Peter blew her off—literally huffed in her direction with a wave of his hand—and turned his attention toward Skylar. She could feel her blood boiling, and she wondered if there was enough water left in her glass to toss on him.

“Skylar Ford, how long has it been?”

“Clearly not long enough,” she snapped. “Why don’t you leave, Peter? Elena’s asked you already.”

“Geez, apparently, the years have hardened both of you.” He reached for a chip out of the basket, but Skylar swatted his hand away. “Sheesh. Apparently, a good guy can’t catch up with his old friends these days.”

“A good guy could, but you are not a good guy.”

Peter looked taken aback by Skylar’s comment. For a seasoned actor, he clearly needed to work on his poker face. It made Skylar happy to know she’d gotten to him. Even Elena smiled slightly at the comment.

“I wouldn’t look so cocky if I were you, Skylar.” The way Peter’s eyes narrowed at her sent chills over Skylar’s body. “Don’t forget that I know the truth.”

Skylar tried with all her might not to let her face show her surprise.

“I could ruin Maine Event if I wanted to.” He quickly held up his hands. “Which I don’t.”

“Your ego is awfully big if you think you could take down the band with your jealous accusations.”

“Well,” his evil smile spread like a sinister Grinch, “isn’t that exactly how you ruined it?”

Skylar’s blood ran cold. She opened her mouth to respond, but Elena slamming her hand on the table stopped her.

“Enough, Peter.” The vein in her neck was starting to show, which meant she was beyond angry. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. There were a multitude of reasons why Maine Event broke up, and they don’t solely rest on Skylar’s shoulders.”

Peter started to speak, but Elena held up a shaking hand to stop him.

“Neither of us asked you to come over, and we definitely didn’t ask for your commentary about our tour. And don’t forget, I know the owner here, and it’s not below me to play that card and have you publicly escorted off the property and banned forever.”

Peter thought for a beat before standing. He straightened his tie, then nodded his head. “Fine.”