Page 22 of Sworn to Lead

“That sounds a lot like the help I gave you cooking dinner last night,” she teased. “But I need to check on Jacob.”

Neo released her and yanked the shower curtain to the side, the metal rings zinging across the rod. “He’s just watching an episode of South Park.”

She halted and gave him a sideways glance.

“Just kidding. That was a joke.” He knelt down and switched on the taps. The dog turned his head from left to right as the pipes rattled and water gurgled out of the faucet. “He’s watching The Simpsons.”

Brynn rolled her eyes, a smile still on her face, and went to check on Jacob. Neo had positioned him on the couch, surrounded by pillows and a blanket. It was no wonder he’d decided to take a nap. She pulled the blankets up some more, placed a kiss on his head, and returned to the bathroom. Neo and the dog were sitting by the edge of the bathtub. He stroked the dog’s head, murmuring soft endearments. Who knew this big, tough SEAL would baby-talk a dog?

“All right, buddy, in you go.” He lifted the gentle giant with care and lowered him into the tub. The big mutt didn’t seem to mind, lying down and stretching out as far as he could in the water. Dirt seeped off his fur and permeated the bath, turning it from clear to murky gray in seconds.

“I’d like to help.” Brynn frowned at the dog’s state. How long had the poor animal been on its own?

“He’s pretty dirty, sweetheart.” His hand skimmed along the top of the water, over the animal’s protruding spine. “Don’t want you getting an infection in those cuts on your hand. You could pass me some soap and get a clean towel ready.” Brynn nodded, happy to contribute somehow, even if it was just to keep her busy. She slid off of the countertop and went to the closet. Fluffy towels were stacked in neat rows, and it didn’t take long to find some liquid soap. When Neo reached up with his dry hand and took the bottle, their skin touched, spreading tingles and goose bumps up her arms. Still holding the towel, she slid back up on the countertop.

Neo lathered up the dog, his shirt now covered in dirty water. The dog’s tail wound back and forth like a propeller, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. As Neo scrubbed the fur along his belly and legs, his expression grew hard. His lips were pressed into a thin line, brow furrowed.

“Do you think someone is missing him?”

Neo pulled the drain plug. “Yeah, I’m sure they are, but no way in hell they’re getting him back.”

“Why, what’s wrong?” She pushed off of the counter and crouched beside Neo.

“See.” He pointed to the jagged gouges. “He’s got bite marks all over his legs and stomach. Some completely healed over. Some that look to be a few weeks old.” As the water drained lower and lower, her stomach began to churn.

“What do you think happened to him?” Unable to stop herself, she reached out and stroked the side of the dog’s head. He leaned into her, starved for affection.

“He’s a bait dog,” Neo rumbled. Now that the tub was drained, he turned on the faucet again and used a cup to pour clean water over the dog, washing away any remaining dirt.

“What is that?” The injuries were horrific. It looked as though chunks of flesh had been torn from the bone.

“Some people breed and train dogs for underground fighting.” He shook his head. “They test their dog’s aggressiveness by putting them up against a dog that can’t or won’t fight back.”

Heat prickled her eyes. “That’s disgusting.”

“Can’t imagine someone hurting an animal.” Neo draped the towel over the dog, gently rubbing his coat dry. “It’s about as low as you can go.”

“And yet he still sweet and good-natured.” Her voice was thick with emotion. She hated to think about anything enduring pain.

“I know someone else like that, and she’s pretty damn special. Strong as hell.”

Her heart rate kicked up a notch at his words. Her mind was still raveled up about the kiss they shared. Intense and mind-blowing. A total out-of-body experience. If she felt that way from one kiss, what would it be like to make love to him?

A low groan broke from his lips. “Whatever you were just thinking, I want to know.”

Her cheeks heated. In fact, she’d be surprised if she didn’t have a full-body blush. “I was thinking about when you kissed me and how good it felt, and what…more would feel like.”

He dragged in a ragged breath, holding her gaze for one moment, then two. After lifting the dog from the tub and giving him one more rubdown, he turned to her.

“I want to show you. Want you in my bed, my name on your lips. I want to worship and taste every inch of you. But, while I’m looking forward to that a hell of a lot, I’d never rush you into anything. I want to know you, not just your body. I like spending time with you, any way I can get it.”

Words were temporarily lost to her, so she nodded. Brynn couldn’t deny that Neo’s words gave her a thrill, but she was far from experienced, while he was a SEAL who’d probably had plenty of beautiful women. What would happen if they got together? She was already experiencing strong feelings for Neo. If they took things to the next level, she’d quickly grow more attached. Despite his assertion that he’d never get between her and Jacob, she was worried about how she would react if things ended. It would hurt like hell to see him every day, but she’d never abandon Jacob. The decision to test the waters with Neo was something she couldn’t take lightly.

He cleared his throat. “I’m going to get this guy some food, then shower so I can wrap my arms around you without getting you soaked in grime.” He leaned over and removed the towel from the floor, flinging it into the now-empty bath. She led the way to the kitchen with the dog prancing behind her like a show pony. The tub had done wonders for the animal’s confidence. When she didn’t hear footsteps behind her, she turned. Neo was standing a few feet from the kitchen, staring at the back of Jacob’s wheelchair. He dipped his chin to his chest as he drew an expansive breath. “I was so caught up in everything that was going on, I missed this.”

She took a few steps closer. Neo was tracing his finger over the sticker that read, Proud Brother of a United States Sailor. “Jacob was happy when we found that.”

“You know, I never considered myself a particularly lucky person.” He studied the sticker as he spoke. “Most of the good things in my life have come from my own sweat and blood. Jacob, though? He’s the exception.” Neo glanced up at her. His eyes were glassy, flooded with emotion. “When he looks me in the eyes and smiles, something inside me brightens. I can’t explain it, but having him here with me means the world.”