Page 16 of Sworn to Lead

She nodded and they walked side by side to the front of the house. “The ramp is well built.” It was sturdy beneath her feet, with plenty of space to push and turn nearly two mobility aids side by side.

“The home belonged to a soldier who was severely injured in combat. He built this place from the ground up, and adopted a toddler with quadriplegia.” Branch opened the front door and held it for her.

“What happened to them?” She stepped into an open foyer drenched in natural light. Glossy wood floors ran throughout the open-concept living space. They wouldn’t need to worry about Jacob’s chair getting caught on a rug.

“Met the love of his life, a doctor who had helped place the child with him, and moved across the country.”

The tension in her shoulders relaxed. She’d been worried something terrible had happened to them. “I’m glad he moved because of something happy.”

“He told the Realtor he wanted the property to go to someone who needed it. Who would make it a happy home.”

“That certainly fits Jacob to a T. He spreads sunshine everywhere he goes.”

“I’ve never been around someone like him before, but I’m already glad I’m getting a chance to know him. I’ve never seen Ransom look so…happy.”

She selfishly wanted to be part of the reason for that happiness, which further proved she should get her own apartment and live off-site before things got even more complicated. All she remembered from the night prior was having the reoccurring nightmare. The sickening scent of smoldering flesh. The burn in her lungs as her head was forced in icy salt water until she choked. The snap of bone and the sharp, unstable sensation that followed. Then she was encircled in strong, capable arms and she knew down to her soul that she was safe. She fell asleep with the scent of citrus and bergamot in her nostrils. Something she’d come to associate with comfort and security.

If she gave in to that comfort, though, those lingering gazes and gentle touches, what might happen if things didn’t work out? He could fire her, and she’d be out of a job, a place to live, and banned from seeing the child she loved. This morning’s conversation didn’t inspire much confidence either. While she could emphasize and respect Neo’s urge to protect Jacob, it stung that he thought she’d let Jacob get in harm’s way. She’d left danger over four thousand miles away in Ireland and years had passed since she’d heard from her brother.

The others were gathered in the kitchen, so they crossed the room to join them. “Look at this.” Neo’s smile made her heart flip before it steadily resumed beating. “The countertops are mounted. Jacob’s chair can slide beneath so he’s right up against the ledge.”

“That would certainly make hand-over-hand activities easier.” The setup was modern and a lot of thought had gone into ensuring ease of use for someone who required daily living assistance. “We can chop vegetables together and you can help me wash dishes.”

An exaggerated sigh broke from Jacob’s lips. Deep laughter resonated around the room. Even Joker had an amused grin on his face.

“Typical teenager.” Brynn shook her head. She loved this side of Jacob’s personality—all sass and humor.

They continued around the house, finding more modifications as they went. In the living room, there were tracks for a ceiling hoist that ran down the hall and into the bedroom and one of the bathrooms. Jacob was easy enough to lift now, but someday, when he grew larger, an alternate method to help move him from point A to point B would be a blessing. They followed the ceiling tracks to the first room—a bathroom with a roll-in shower and a jacuzzi tub. There were four bedrooms, including one designed with additional space for turning. The largest room was at the back of the house. Floor-to-ceiling windows faced the backyard and the dense forest surrounding the property. The room opened onto an accessible deck, and the team wasted no time wheeling Jacob outside. A bright orange swing swayed in the summer breeze.

Neo came up beside her. “What are you thinking?”

“That Jacob is going to be sold by that swing.” The men already had him up and out of the chair and were pulling the rollercoaster-style harness over his head. “I always look for parks with accessible swings. He loves the sensation of flying through the air.”

“I’m sure it’s freeing. I want to give him as many opportunities to feel that way as I can.” Neo’s gaze was fixed on his four brothers as they danced around the swing, taking turns pushing Jacob as high as he could go. With each push, a smile stretched over his face, so wide and bright, a punch of joy flashed to life inside her.

“So what do you think?” Neo angled his body to face her. Touring this home with him brought to mind nights cuddled on the couch—all three of them watching movies. Of summers spent by the pool she’d caught a glimpse of from the kitchen window. Trust was difficult for her, but Neo inspired it, made her want for things meant for others but not herself.

“I think this place probably costs a fortune. Whatever home you choose, the most important thing is the love within it. The extra amenities and technology will make things easier for sure, but that’s not what is most important.” She came from a completely different world than Neo. Her mother had knitted blankets and sold them at local tourist markets and her father had been a laborer. They had financial security, but there were no frills. Neo’s world, at least the one he’d left behind, was opulence and glitter. Dinner parties and galas. Helicopter rides and custom tailored clothing. That wouldn’t typically bother her, and Neo seemed as down to earth as they came, but she didn’t know how he couldn’t be affected by the world he grew up in.

“I’ve been careful about spending and investing. I had my own trust fund, set aside from my grandparents, and I haven’t touched it. Plus, I have my own money from the service, much less but there all the same. Maybe I didn’t know it at a time, but this is what I’ve been waiting for—the opportunity to use the money I’ve saved for something important. Family. I never thought I would have one, but now that Jacob’s in my life I will do anything to protect him and make sure he has everything he needs. That means you, too, Brynn.”

The weight of his hand on her shoulder made her want to lean into the strength of his touch.

“If we bought this house, this would be your room.”

Neo had already accepted her into the fold. Started saying dangerous words like we and us that sent her mind racing with unlikely possibilities that she shouldn’t dare to entertain. Her words bottled up in her throat. She wished her nana was still here to help guide her through her confusing feelings. She loved Jacob like a son. Maybe she was just enthralled with Neo because he would be such an important part of Jacob’s life. Because she’d always longed for a family that loved and accepted her. When she didn’t respond, Neo continued. “There’s an en suite attached, so you’ll have your privacy, but I hope you’ll decide to spend time with us all the same.”

She cleared her throat and nearly choked on her words. Ones that were the safest and most practical choice. “I’ve been thinking that maybe it might be best for me to find a place off-site.”

“What do you mean?” He turned to fully face her. “What made you change your mind? Was it our conversation this morning?”

“No. At least, not completely. I think some space between us would be best.” Even though she’d only known Neo for a short time, the words made her want to cry. She’d never be whole enough to have a long-term relationship, and trying would only mess up the best thing in her life—Jacob. The realization hit hard. She’d gotten caught up in a silly romantic fantasy where she, Neo, and Jacob were a family. Dreams like that only led to heartbreak.

“If I’ve done anything to make you uncomfortable, tell me and I’ll fix it. You’re as much a part of Jacob’s life as anyone. I can modify whatever to meet your needs. If you want your own access to the house, I can add a door with a separate lock and key to this room, so you can come in and out as you please. If you need more time for yourself, more days off, I get it and we’ll make it work.”

“No, Neo. This is nothing to do with you.” And everything to do with you. “You didn’t do anything except offer Jacob the world and get us out of a terrible situation. You’ve offered kindness.” She took a quick breath, needed to finish what was on her mind before she chickened out. “I don’t want to get used to relying on you, because that would be hard to lose. I’m not immune to the good man you are. You might see yourself as cold, but you’ve offered us nothing but warmth. It’s better if I stay objective and put space between us. I came here for Jacob, and I don’t want to complicate things with the emotions I’m starting to feel for you.” She sighed and blinked rapidly. There was a burn of frustration, of vulnerability behind her lids. “That’s hard to admit, but you’ve been honest with me from the start, and I owe you no less in return.”

He took a step closer to her, invading her space. His palms touched lightly on her arms. “Thank you for being honest with me. That’s something I wanted to talk to you about, in addition to what happened last night. Holding you against me felt so fucking right. It’s the first time I’ve ever done that—held a woman while she slept. Deep in my gut I know I want to see where that can go.” He stepped closer, and dropped his forehead to hears. “I’m not gonna pressure you into anything, but I want you to know those feelings aren’t one-sided. I know you’re here for Jacob, and I would never do anything to isolate you from him, even if things didn’t work. We have a spark, though. One that I don’t want to ignore.”