“You mean we. Take your time getting dressed. I’ll get the eggs going. We brought home some bagels, Sprite, and coffee, so you can help yourself. Would you like some eggs?” He didn’t like the way she was hiding from him. Her hair was curtained around her face, and she made no moves to push it back out of her eyes. Maybe she remembered bits and pieces from the night before. He wanted to tell her with certainty she had nothing to be ashamed of.
Her throat bobbed, and her arms fell to her sides. “I’m okay. Thanks.” Then she turned and scurried down the hall. Whether the nightmare had shaken her, him being in her bed, or a combination of both, Brynn was on edge. She’d trusted him last night, but would she confide him now?
He was just finishing feeding Jacob his breakfast when Brynn walked into the kitchen, looking less vulnerable than she had in the hallway earlier. Good. Although he didn’t want her to hide from him, he was glad some of her armor was back in place. He understood all too well how it felt to be stripped bare. The week of briefings after they returned from the mission where Scooter had sacrificed himself was the worst time of his life. Every action the team made was studied under a microscope. They’d left the country with six SEALs. Six beating hearts. They returned six SEALs, but only five hearts still beat. The guilt of losing a man had choked him until he’d wanted to claw at his own throat just to get some fucking air.
Once Brynn set Jacob up with his breathing treatments and a movie, she returned to the kitchen and began toasting one of the bagels. He was pleased she was eating after the night before. “Neo.” She rubbed a hand over her chest. “Did…did I wake you last night?”
“Yes. I heard you crying. I tried to wake you, but nothing was working. I climbed into bed with you and held you.”
She tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth. “I’m sorry.”
He stood from the chair at the kitchen table, nearly knocking it back, and went to her. “You don’t have a damn thing to be sorry for.” His fingers itched to cup her face as he told her everything would be okay. He didn’t make promises he couldn’t keep, though, and he had no idea what he was up against. All he knew was if someone was after her, they’d have to put him down to get to Brynn.
“It’s just that it was my first night in a new place, and it was a long day.” The bagel popped up from the toaster, but Brynn didn’t seem to notice.
“How often do they happen?”
“Mostly when there are a lot of changes in my life or something pops up that makes me remember…”
“Remember what?” he said, keeping his tone gentle.
She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. A loud knock sounded on the door, and she flinched. His team was always so goddamn punctual.
“Brynn, whatever it is, I want to help you. Even if it’s just having a sounding board. Someone to shoulder some of the weight. We haven’t known each other long, but I think it’s undeniable we have a connection. You’re part of the team. Part of the family now. I hope you can trust me to take some of the burden that haunts your dreams.” The knock came again, louder this time.
“Hold it,” he barked, crossing the room to fling open the door.
“Whoa. Wrong side of the bed today?” Joker stepped inside, and Neo punched him in the shoulder. The impact wasn’t hard, but it wasn’t necessarily friendly either. He’d been annoyed at how he responded to Brynn yesterday.
“You’re ten minutes early.”
“Go back to whatever you were doing. Won’t even notice I’m here.” Joker made his way to the living room, where he joined Jacob.
Brynn was now sitting at the table, her bagel untouched. He pulled out a chair and angled it toward her. “Listen,” he said, sitting down. “Whatever it is, I have your back. When we get home later, will you talk to me?”
“I’ll think about it.” Her voice was quiet. Unsure. The tone didn’t give him much confidence that she’d confide in him.
“If there’s something going on, an abusive ex or something you’ve gotten into and can’t get out of, I need to know about it. I have to think about Jacob’s safety, too, and between me and my teammates, we’re a formidable defense. I can’t help you, though, if you won’t tell me. That also means I can’t protect my brother the way he deserves to be protected.”
She flinched back, cheeks reddening. “Don’t you think I’ve thought of Jacob’s safety? That if I were in trouble or in danger I would’ve brought it to Jacob’s doorstep? You said trust wasn’t something that came easily to either or us. I understand that. If you need to look into my records, fine.”
“I have a feeling I won’t find what I’m after in your records. I want the story that’s not there. The reason you were having a flashback last night. The reason you let me hold you through the night.”
“And that story is mine to tell if and when I’m ready, but I can assure you there’s no danger to Jacob. I’ve done nothing wrong—haven’t broken any laws or made questionable decisions I should be ashamed of.”
“My living is assessing danger and taking calculated risks, but I need to know for my own peace of mind that Jacob’s not in danger. Please, Brynn.”
The flash of hurt in her eyes was the last thing he saw before she turned her back on him and left the room. He didn’t know what had happened to Brynn, but one thing was certain, she wasn’t going to be letting him comfort her again anytime soon. She was mad and hurt, and while he could understand her thought process, protecting was in his blood. He wanted to ensure Brynn and Jacob were both safe. He’d bide his time, but he hoped like hell last night wasn’t the first and last time he’d hold her close.
Chapter Ten
Brynn stood in the driveway of a rambling ranch-style home and gawked. They’d been touring homes all day but nothing had been an ideal location for Jacob. The homes had been beautiful, but each would’ve required expensive updates to make them accessible.
“This is the one I’m most excited for you guys to see.” Branch stood beside her, surveying the property. Silver, Joker, Neo, and Jacob were already making their way up the path leading to the house. “I had hoped the real estate agent could make it the first showing, but it didn’t work out.”
“It’s beautiful.” The combination of stone, wood, and glass was striking, as was the lush green lawn and meticulously arranged garden beds. What caught her eye the most, though, was the ramp that curved to the front door.
“Wait until you see the inside.” He gave her a friendly wink. “Let’s catch up.”