Their 20th wedding anniversary.
“Speech! Speech! Speech!”
Nik lifted a hand to silence the crowd currently in his living room and kitchen. “I want to toast this incredible lady right here.” He lifted a glass and gestured to Chloe. “She stuck with me even when I was in the wrong. When I dragged her across the country to live in Vegas, she moved with complaint and waited for me to come to my senses. Despite the terrible thing my mother did to us, driving us apart for six years, Chloe allowed her to spend time with her grandchildren. She even helped me forgive my mother in the end. That wasn’t easy. Because of my mother, I lost years with Chloe and Mia that I can’t get back.”
He took a moment to control his emotions.
Chloe placed a hand on his arm, giving him strength without saying a word.
He went on. “And when my mother died, my loving wife helped me to deal with a mess of conflicting emotions. She reminded me it was my mother who brought us back together and told me to focus on that when I think of her.”
A smattering of applause interrupted him.
He held a hand up; he wasn’t done yet.
“This wonderful woman here gave me the most incredible daughter any man could have and three strong sons.” He looked around the room at his children. Mia was grown and married. Xander was finishing college, and Danny had just started his higher education. That just left one under their roof. “She supported me when I decided to pass most of the Andropolis empire on to my cousins even though she was certain I would go stir crazy in this little town.”
Light laughter floated around them.
He looked Chloe in the eyes and added, “I don’t regret a moment that I have spent with you and with our kids. If anything, I wish I’d handed off the corporation sooner.”
They didn’t know it yet, but he planned to buy each of his children a business once they were ready. He wanted them to live their dreams, whatever they turned out to be. Thanks to Chloe’s support, he no longer felt the need to control the people he loved.
Lifting his glass higher, he locked eyes with his wife. “I have no idea how I got so lucky. My mother may have thought you were beneath me, but she had it backwards. I am so completely unworthy of you. I love you more and more every day.”
Everyone cheered and sipped their champagne.
Chloe held a hand up. “My turn. My turn.”
After she had their attention, she lifted her glass. “I want to toast my fabulous husband.” She took his hand and gazed into his eyes again. “First of all, you are totally worthy of me. If you weren’t so stubborn, we wouldn’t be together. I wanted you to go away, because I was afraid you would shatter my heart. Instead, you gave me life. You are without a doubt the best husband and father in the world. Watching you with the kids over the years inspired me to be a better parent.”
They kissed.
She added, “To twenty fabulous years and at least twenty more.”
A round of cheers went up.
People began to move about, a few going to other rooms. Nik made his way to the front door. He heard Kristina asking why he was wearing a tuxedo when no one else was formally dressed. Chloe responded with, “No one looks like my man does in a tux.”
That made him smile.
He went outside and sat on the porch swing.
Seconds later, Mia joined him.
“My favorite daughter,” he said.
“I’m your only daughter.”
“You would be my favorite even if I had sixteen others.”
She rolled her dark eyes and sat next to him. “I like being your only girl.”
He hugged her. “Why do I have a feeling you came out here to talk about something specific?”
“Because you know me.” She laughed. Then her expression turned serious. “A few weeks ago, Mom told me you still feel bad about not being in my life for the first five years. All you missed was diapers and tantrums and stuff like that.”
He sighed. “I missed your first word and the first time you walked. Feels like I missed out on bonding time with you. I got to bond with your brothers from day one.”