Page 58 of Raw Deal

She made a face. “I don’t remember a time when you weren’t here. My first memory, my earliest memory is of you teaching me to ride a bike. I was scared. Then I realized nothing bad would happen to me as long as my daddy was there.”

He looked away and blinked his eyes. “I’m glad you don’t remember me not being in your life.”

She shrugged. “I don’t remember the first time you met and gave me a doll. Mom still talks about it, but I don’t remember.”

He hugged her close to his side and kissed the top of her head. “No matter how old you get you will always be my baby.”

“And you will always be my daddy.”

They sat in silence for a moment.

She cleared her throat as if nervous. “I came out here to tell you something. Joe and I haven’t shared this with anyone yet. I wanted you to be the first. I’m having a baby of my own.”

His jaw dropped. “You’re... pregnant?”

She nodded, and they hugged again. Their laughter mingled. He realized in that moment that he couldn’t pick his favorite perfect day. There were too many. He had been blessed more than anyone else that he knew.

“Do me a favor,” he said. “Tell your mom and me about the baby at the same time.”

She giggled.

He tried to give her a stern look and failed. His lips twitched, but he held the smile back. “I’m serious, young lady. If your mom finds out you told me before her, I will never hear the end of it. You tell us both together after the party, and I will act surprised.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, Daddy.”

They went inside, and he walked around until he found his wife. When he wasn’t with her, it felt like a crucial piece of his body was missing. His arms went around her waist from behind while she was talking to her sister and a few others. He kissed her neck in the sensitive place that made her giggle. She slapped at him, but it was a playful slap.

Glancing back at his life, he realized he had more happy days than any one man deserved. He decided not to count their twentieth anniversary as the best day of his life. There were so many, too many to count. He could probably fill an entire book with his greatest moments, and every single one would center around his family.

He was a lucky man.
