Page 49 of Forgotten Deal

She snuggles into my lap, smiling against my chest. “We’ll see. And don’t tell me patience is king.”

I feign shock. “You want me to ignore the rules of a premier gaming coach?”

“The premier gaming coach,” she corrects me, “and you still need lessons.”

“Whatever the Shark says.” She playfully thunks my chest before snuggling in closer.

I wrap one of her curls around my finger as we listen to the waves crashing against the shore. Her breathing evens out and she goes still in my arms.

Nope, can’t have that. I stand with Katerina in my arms, and she startles. “You’re not falling asleep on me,” I warn.

“Why not?” she whines. “You’re wearing me out.”

“Hell, yes, I am. And I’d like to wear you out some more, but first things first: I owe you a rematch.”

Placing her down on the couch, I take a seat in a chair across from her.

“What should we play for?” she muses, rubbing her hands together. My girl’s competitive; love it.

Pretending to think for a moment, I say, “We’ll write down a fantasy, and the winner gets it played out; the loser is a good sport, of course, and plays along.” My dick’s already throbbing at the prospect.

She raises an eyebrow. “And you pulled that idea out of thin air?”

I shrug. “What can I say? I told you I’m creative where you’re concerned.”

“No other women involved in this little fantasy,” she tells me firmly.

“No other men involved in this little fantasy,” I retort. “Or in real life. I don’t share.”

“I’m a lot to handle,” she warns. “You think you’re man enough for the job?”

I raise an eyebrow. “You’re the one walking bowlegged; you tell me.”

She tosses a throw pillow at me, and I chuckle as I duck. Leaning across the coffee table, she declares, “I’m all in.”

“The game?” I ask, praying she’s not toying with me about this.

“The game.” She pauses, her lips quirked. “Us.”

I grin like a fucking idiot, cupping her cheeks and pulling those gorgeous lips to mine. Katerina tastes like every teenage dream I’ve ever had, and every dream for the future I didn’t believe I could have.

She sighs against my lips before pulling back. “Let’s play before you distract me.”

“I can’t help it if you have a one-track mind.” I smirk.

“Mmm,” Katerina agrees. “But back to the rules of our game.” She holds up a finger. “We only look at the winner’s fantasy. And no cheating.” She narrows her eyes at me.

“Either way I win, so I swear to you no cheating.” I extend my hand, and we shake on it.

“Wait until you read my fantasy before you make that declaration,” Katerina says, smiling as she hops up and grabs a pen and notepad from the island.

“That assumes you win, Kitty Kat.”

She smiles smugly. “I like my odds.”

And I like my odds. Again, either way.

She rips off a piece of paper and tosses me the pad before finding another ink pen in a cabinet drawer and tossing it my way. Her brows furrowed, she begins writing.