“With you as the wingman?” Sam snorts a laugh.
Matteo bristles. “So don’t come out with us, Sammy. Not all of us like that old, dried-up coochie,” he taunts. Rumor has it Sam likes his women older.
Sam appears bored, now picking his nails with a knife. “Don’t let him fool you, Fabio; the only pussy Matteo gets is bought and paid for.”
“Yeah, well I hear Darius’ cousin puts out for free,” Matteo says loudly, and Darius stops in his tracks. Oh, no. He’s got that crazy-eye look.
Romeo barks something in Greek to Darius, and my friend snaps out of it, walking off.
“Didn’t know you could train a stray dog,” Matteo comments, and his men snicker.
Romeo smiles. Oh shit. I instinctively take a step away from my boss, but thankfully, the door to the warehouse opens, and we’re ushered inside. We follow the soldier through the large space, to a smaller room lit by a single flickering light bulb. There’s a card table set up with a knife and some other objects, and seated behind it is the boss of Jersey, Antonio Parisi.
“Welcome, gentlemen,” Antonio says. “You’ve been called here this evening because we’re bringing some new members into the family.”
Feeling like I’ve blacked out, I don’t remember what else is said, but I find myself walking up to the table when my name is called.
“Fabio, repeat after me,” Antonio says. “I, Fabio Mazza,”
“I, Fabio Mazza.”
“Hereby pledge my life to this family.”
I shake away the grief-stricken face of my nonna, repeating the words. “Hereby pledge my life to this family.”
“I enter this family alive. The only way out is death,” Antonio solemnly says.
“I enter this family alive. The only way out is death,” I repeat.
“I swear it on my blood to be loyal to this family above all else,” Antonio continues. “I swear to keep this family’s secrets—omertà.”
“I swear it on my blood to be loyal to this family above all else. I swear to keep this family’s secrets—omertà.”
Antonio hands me the knife. “By my blood, by Saint Dismas, should I break my vow, may I burn in hell.”
I parrot the vow as I prick the palm of my hand. Making a fist, I watch as a drop of blood falls onto a picture of Saint Dismas—the patron saint of thieves.
Antonio tosses the blood-spattered picture into the fire, and just like that, I’m a made man.
I don’t tell Katerina any of that; instead, I simply say, “Yes, I chose this life. It’s in my blood.” Grabbing her hand, I bring her wrist up to my lips and kiss it. “This looks like new ink,” I say, changing the subject. “Just say no?”
She smiles. “I have trouble remembering that motto.” She toys with my nipple ring through my T-shirt, causing my skin to break out in goosebumps.
“And the hook on your foot?” I ask.
“A nod to my dad,” she tells me. “He was a commercial fisherman.” I already knew that, but I pretend I didn’t.
“And your mama’s bakery? That life isn’t in your blood?” I wonder.
“Much to my mamá’s chagrin, no. I love dealing too much to do anything else.”
“Except one day you’d love to be pit boss, and I happen to know of a job opening.”