Page 53 of Sever

Positioned away from the group, I worry I’ll stand out, threatening to bring my night to an abrupt end. Straightening my shoulders and feigning confidence, I leave the comfort of my spot and cross the room to the gathering, my heels clicking on the polished concrete. Curious gazes assess me like I’m the new girl crashing a party of lifelong friends. I meet their stares head-on, ensuring my place amongst them. Somewhat appeased, they either continue their conversations or remain in their own company. I take the chance to observe. The tone differs from that where I’ve come from. Smiles and cheeky banter are replaced with a palpable tension I’d expect from discussions of war rules.

A man dressed in a tux walks on the clear stage where an upright drum stands. He hits the drum sending a reverberation through the room, the sandstone acoustics echoing the noise. The gathering quietens. The whole situation makes me incredibly nervous, and when I see the gentleman take the stage, I break out in a sweat. He’s a strikingly handsome man dressed in a crisp white shirt, unbuttoned enough to spy some chest tattoos. He wears a designer suit jacket and pants, and is exceptionally well-groomed. I wonder if he’s the owner of this establishment because he sure fits the role.

“Welcome once again,” he starts in a voice that carries authority. He reminds me of Kane in so many ways. “Great to see so many familiar faces. I trust this is the night you find what you’ve been searching for. I have some gems on offer, beautiful and exquisite in every way, some exotic and unique.” He pauses and takes a few steps. “You all know the rules of fair play. There are none. Fight for what you want and make no apologies… for if you don’t, you lose. But most of all, I bid you a successful and prosperous evening.” The man strides off the stage, and I move position to see where he disappears to on the other side of the room.

The gathering shifts, a new tension descending upon us. Suddenly, no one is friendly. Eye contact is avoided and jaws are set like stone, preparing mentally and physically to exit as winners.

What the heck is happening?

Seconds later, I feel the wind being knocked clean out of me. I’d so desperately wanted my answer to this whole convoluted charade, but now I would do almost anything to reclaim the last of my innocence. Another man dressed in a tux escorts a young girl to the stage. I pin her as being late teen, a collar wrapped around her neck, a chain connecting her to the escort. The girl appears dazed, her co-operation possibly due to being drugged, but I can’t be sure. They stop in the center of the stage then step behind her to remain unseen. The girl shifts and sways, her completely naked body on full display to at least two dozen pairs of prying eyes. I glance at those next to me, but they’re too transfixed to notice. It’s then I notice a figure to the side of the stage standing behind a podium, the faint glow of candle casting shadows across his indifferent face.

“Bid starting at five,” he begins.

Five what?



A bidding frenzy commences, and I watch in horror as the men and women in the gathering try to outplay each other all to win—a girl.

I’m disgusted and need to vomit. What’s more revolting is that no one cares about their perverted behavior. What is this world I’ve stepped into? I knew the venue was of a different flavor even before I set foot in it, but I never guessed it was a haven for rich deviants. As the first auction settles and another girl is paraded on stage, I recognize her instantly. Clutching my vulnerable stomach, I stagger back, hitting someone’s elbow who pushes me away like I’m a hindrance.

She’s one of the young women who were hanging off Shawn’s arm at Ophelia. All blonde and killer curves, she appeared unlike the first girl. Present and aware of her surroundings, she smiles hoping to secure a high bid. While the first girl may have been sold against her will, this one is in complete juxtaposition, weirdly happy to be the center of a bidding war.

What will become of her when she’s sold?

And why the fuck would she be so happy?

I make to leave but turn the wrong way, mind-fucked and confused. It’s then I see the next shock for the night. I’ve lost count of the nasty surprises, but it still delivers a punishing blow to the gut.

What the sweet hell is Shawn doing here? He stands to the left of the gathering, arms crossed tightly over his chest viewing the auctions taking place. He watches as the young twenty-something girl he probably promised the world to, gets sold to a filthy rich pervert.