My heart pounds, and I’m once again torn with emotions.
Do I forgive and forget everything she’s done?
Can I still love her as a sister when she’s broken my heart?
“Ah, I see,” the man said, still imposing on my space. “I now see your preference. She’s a beauty, isn’t she? So ripe and ready. It’s a damn shame she’s not part of the act?”
It seems the pervert might have some use after all.
“The act?”
Pervert frowns at my naiveté. “The act is what goes on behind the big ol’ red door your pretty eyes have been glued to. Your crush is who I have to thank for introducing me to this place. She’s opened my eyes to a whole new world. A new world you’ll surely learn about.”
What the hell has Sam gotten herself into?
“Has she recruited most people here?”
“The men, yes.” He smirks, and I feel sick. “Let’s just say she has a rather convincing nature about herself.”
“And the women?”
He shrugs his shoulders indifferently. “Through invitation only by the men they know. I’m not sure about the ones through the door.”
“There’s more women through there?”
His smile dims as he backs away, suddenly uncomfortable with the conversation. “You have a good night, beautiful,” he says, feeling the need to distance himself. “Don’t bother about staying out of trouble because trouble will definitely find you.”
Pervert disappears, and I turn to see Joseph watching from the other side of the room. He seems cautious of me, suspicious as to why I’m here on my own. Had I known it would be an issue, I would have arranged to come with Amanda’s contact. But that would be relinquishing his name to me, and he’s clearly a man with a career or life to protect.
I meet his scrutinous stare and slip behind a couple while maintaining distance between myself and Sam. She seems too caught up in the attention of others to notice me, but I watch and observe her every move. She’s animated when she talks, flirtatious with her eyes, and generous with her touch. Both men and women seem caught up in her presence, and I wonder if that’s how she’s captivated my husband.
To the right, I see Joseph exit the way I came in through the curtain, and to the left I watch a server take a hidden pathway that would curve around a wall of the forbidden room. I’m only scratching the surface as to why Sam is here, and decide throwing caution to the wind is my only chance for answers, so I follow the server while Joseph is temporarily elsewhere.
Satisfied that the fresh blood attention has faded, I slip by groups sharing saucy stories, and couples too caught up in false sexual promises to notice me make my way down what could be a service entry. I follow the hall which is more dimly lit than the main room, perhaps to keep it as non-intrusive as possible. There’s nothing exceptional about it, and when I see a fluorescent light in a room to the right, I suspect it to be the kitchen. I run, fearing someone rounding the corner, and pass the door at a sprint. I’m plunged back into semi-darkness on the other side and breathe a sigh of relief. I feel like a common outlaw and wonder if this is how Amanda felt at eight years of age stealing the connector pens. I’ve done so many questionable things of late I’d have my mother wondering if I’d been swapped at birth. Samantha is the reckless daughter, not me. I keep walking until I finally see an opening to the left which can only lead to one place.
I inhale and exhale, both excited and terrified.
It looks exactly like the hall I just came down, only mirror opposite. Stepping into the hall, I wait for my eyes to adjust to a virtually dark room. Murmurs ripple across the room so I know I’m not alone, murmurs belonging to both male and female. Anticipation is hanging thick in the air. I slide my hand along what feels like sandstone, and use it as a guide. Music begins, no vocals, just low and deep as voices grow more and more excited. I feel my heart pound to the same beat and wonder if I should run now before anyone finds me.
“Don’t be such a pussy,” I chide myself.
I’ve made it to the forbidden room, so I should be congratulating myself on my efforts. A faint glow brings the room to life before it brightens, casting long shadows over the stone floor. Although I can’t see their faces, there’s a group of mostly men gathered farther in. A woman in black lingerie walks around the circular room lighting more candle sconces. Positioned in front of the group is a clear box which I assume is a stage. It’s currently empty, but by the looks of it, will be the focus of attention very soon.