Page 31 of You're Mine

He chuckles. “I’ve never heard you sound so unsure before.”

“Trust me, I’m not loving it.” We’ve worked together for a long time, and I like that I can be honest with him. I lean back in my chair. “I want you to alter this current plan because I love it, but I want it scaled down.”

“How much?” he asks. I can hear him clicking the keys on his computer as he pulls up the design.

“By about half. I want to take out most of the shops, and I’m thinking of more cabins than a large lodge.” He whistles. Then we dive in and discuss what my vision is. I’m feeling positive about it as we finish up. The more we talk about it, the more I like it. This might end up being my favorite project ever.

As soon as I hang up, Amelia walks up with my food and grins. “I didn’t want to interrupt your call so we kept your food hot,” she tells me. This place is so unusual. The people here really are considerate.

“I appreciate it,” I tell her.

She gives me a grin that means trouble. Maybe they were holding my food so she’d be able to talk to me. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in this town, it’s these people love to talk. I’m not sure if I’m ready for that. No one ever talks to me when I’m working in a place in Seattle. There are a dozen other people sitting around me on their own laptops which usually means, do not interrupt.

“We were all a little jealous hearing about the searing kiss on the dance floor last night. It seems half the women in town had their hearts broken. It’s clear you’ve been taken.”

I could be offended, but I chuckle instead. I know how fast word travels in this place. At least criminals don’t stand a chance. They won’t make it a block down the street before the entire town knows what they’ve done.

“Sometimes words can’t say what a kiss does,” I tell her with a shrug. She sighs. The woman actually sighs. Why can’t I get this same reaction from Sasha? It would make my life a heck of a lot easier . . . and predictable.

“Sometimes a head butt into the nose says more than words too,” she tells me with a chuckle.

I groan. My nose is still sore. “Yep, my lesson on safety didn’t quite go as planned.”

“Nope, I think Sasha proved to you she’s quite capable of taking care of herself,” she says as she pointedly looks at my eye, which is still bruised. I’m going to carry this black eye for at least a few more days, only adding to the amusement of everyone in town. It sure didn’t stop women from flirting with me the night before. However, I only want one woman flirting with me right now.

Amelia walks away and I finish my meal then look at the plans again. It’s odd but I’m excited about the changes. It’s challenging me, making me think, and giving me a new direction. I like it. I don’t often get challenged, and that makes a person lazy. If a person always has everyone telling them yes, they don’t need to grow and push themselves.

This feels right though, and it might impress Sasha, oddly pleasing me. I want to make this woman happy. I’m putting her happiness above my own. It’s something I could get used to. This kind of thinking should scare the living hell out of me. It’s scaring me that it’s not scaring me enough.

I finally put my things away. I gave Sasha the day off today so I could pull my thoughts together, but I might have to call an evening meeting. I don’t like knowing she’s so close by and not with me. I’m a goner.

My phone buzzes with a message and I open it as I rise from the table. The nice big tip I leave is not to bribe the town to accept me, I just appreciate great service.

I’m making progress, Callan. I really love this project. We can also focus on using local materials. I’m going to make a trip to Seaville before I finish everything up so I can really get a feel for the town. I’m thinking we can also add some community spaces like a small outdoor market and barbeque pit. Let me know what you think.

I smile as I walk out the café’s door. He’s embracing my vision, and I have no doubt he’ll do an incredible job. I only hire the best of the best, and it doesn’t get better than him. I respond quickly.

Perfect. I love it, and I should’ve thought of having you come here. Make it happen as soon as you can.

I put my phone away and decide to find Sasha. She’s most likely on the beach, and it’s a good idea to take the rest of the day and lie in the sun. My, my... I like how I’m changing.

Chapter Fifteen


Pacing the floor in Aunt Eileen’s cozy living room, my emotions are in a tangle. I know what I want, but not what I need. I’m so conflicted, and when I feel this way there’s no one better to talk to than Aunt Eileen. She’s calmly sitting in her favorite easy chair, her wise eyes fixed on me while she lets me go on and on.

“Callan’s driving me absolutely insane,” I say for probably the tenth time. It shows how much patience and kindness my aunt has that she lets me continue ranting. “I don’t understand any of this. We’re completely opposite in every single way. There’s nothing we have in common. There’s no way this could ever work out, yet... yet I like him.” I feel so dang defeated.

She gives me a moment to make sure I’m done speaking. I’m not, but I’ve gone on for fifteen minutes straight and need a pause. She gives me a gentle smile. “Love is often confusing, and no one has ever said it’s easy, darling,” she tells me. “Love doesn’t follow logic and there’s no reasoning with it. Something I learned long ago, is that it’s not necessarily how much you have in common with a person, but more about how you feel about yourself when you’re with the person. Does being with them make you a better or worse person?”

I frown as I process her words. “I’m not sure how I feel when I’m with him. I feel lost, like I don’t even know who I am anymore. Even feeling this way though, I’m drawn in, feeling a need to be with him. How can this be when I barely know the man?”

“That could be a sign that you’re growing. It usually takes a long time to figure out who we are. There are expectations of who we’re supposed to be, but we have to find what makes us happy, not what makes others happy,” she says.

“This is why I’m so confused. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I’ve never agonized over anyone before, and I’ve never felt as if I’m constantly falling. This man makes my world spin, and not in a good way. Plus, he’s here because he wants to build a resort that will ruin the town I love so much.”

“Maybe he needs you to help him find his way in the world. If you’re feeling like that, maybe he is too,” she points out. I shake my head.