Page 32 of You're Mine

“There’s no chance of that. Callan is cool and collected. Sure, he’s loosened up since he arrived in town, but a person doesn’t change that much. I don’t want him to change either. It’s awful when you meet someone and immediately want to change everything about them. If you need someone to be something they aren’t, you shouldn’t be with them.”

“I agree,” Aunt Eileen says. “That doesn’t mean we don’t naturally evolve, though. Sometimes people come together and forge an entirely new path together.”

I appreciate her words. They certainly resonate with me. I’m not in love with Callan. That’s silly, but maybe it doesn’t need to be about love. Maybe I should embrace the journey I’m on with him. It isn’t like it’s going to last a lifetime. He’s only going to be here a few more days. I just need the courage to step out of my comfort zone, but it’s very difficult for me to do.

“Are you going to admit you remember spending a few summers with Callan?” Aunt Eileen asks. I want to tell her no, but I don’t lie.

I think about our last summer so long ago. We were kids. His gramps came down and we all spent a lot of time on the beach, in the arcade, hiking trails, and being free, just as all kids do. I played with all three brothers, but Callan’s the one who stood out. We bonded that summer... and then he was gone, and I never saw him again. I now know he tragically lost his parents, and that certainly had to have shaped him into the man he is today, but as a child I felt betrayed that my friend never came back.

“The joy of you kids laughing filled my heart,” she says. “You were friends with all three brothers, but you and Callan had a special bond, like two little peas in a pod. I was sure you’d remain friends for life.”

I blink away the stinging in my eyes. “Of course I remember. I don’t want to, but it’s not something a person forgets. The Callan of that summer isn’t the same man who’s shown up now, though. We had so much fun, were so free, but then he was gone.” I pause. “Just as he’ll be gone again.”

Aunt Eileen rises and moves over to me, wrapping me in a hug. It’s even harder for me to fight tears when she holds me. She’s always been my rock. She’s a little crazy, and I love her all the more for it. “Maybe fate has a way of bringing people back together. Maybe you’re supposed to take this journey together. If you quit fighting it, I bet you’ll feel a whole lot better,” she assures me.

I don’t want to feel the hope she’s giving me. I don’t want to hope for more with Callan. I just listed all of the reasons we aren’t compatible. I don’t want to be sentimental about a childhood that happened long ago. On the other hand, what if fate is pulling us together? That’s foolish... isn’t it?

“I’m glad I came here. I might not have any answers right now, but I feel better,” I tell her. “Thank you for always being here for me. You always know what to say. Maybe you’re the one who’s in charge of fate or magic or destiny,” I add with a chuckle.

“You never know what powers-that-be are working in your favor,” she assures me before she hugs me again. The scary thing is she might be right.

“Don’t forget that love has a way of finding its own path, darling. You can fight it all you want, but what’s meant to be will be.”

I shake my head. “This isn’t about love. It can’t be about love. We don’t really know each other,” I tell her. She laughs.

“Oh, honey, love can happen in an instant. Many say there’s no such thing as instant love, but it’s called falling in love for a reason. We fall. And once we take that tumble, there’s no stopping it. We can break love, but we can’t avoid the fall.”

“That’s a scary thing too. I’ve watched people who are so in love it seems impossible they’ll ever stop, or even worse, wind up in court screaming hateful things at each other. I don’t want to be one of those people.”

“Then don’t be,” she says.

I laugh. “You make it sound so easy.”

“It’s as easy as you make it, dear. I love you, your friends love you, this community loves you. You’re very loveable, and you have a lot of love to give. You don’t have to be stingy with it.”

She hugs me again, we say goodbye, and I move to the beach. The sun is beginning to set, and it’s the perfect place and time to think about all my aunt has said to me. I’m not sure what I’m going to do next, but making a plan doesn’t seem to matter. This is happening whether I like it or not. I can go along for the ride, or I can continue to live in misery. It should be an easy choice.

Chapter Sixteen


I get to the beach just in time to watch an incredible sunset. No one else is out so I have time to be alone. I need it. I take in some deep breaths as I watch pinks and oranges paint the sky as the waves gently lap against the shore and seagulls take their final flight of the night. It’s peaceful and soothes my frayed nerves. It’s warm out tonight and my shoes are long gone so I dig my toes into the sand and make little patterns. A perfect ending to a somewhat turbulent day.

As soon as the sun sinks and the colors fade, I hear a noise. I turn to see a group of my friends making their way onto the beach, carrying bags, wood, and coolers. Emily looks up and grins before dropping everything and rushing to me.

“Where in the heck have you been? I’ve been trying to call for hours,” she demands as she pulls me into a hug.

“I left my phone at home today. I’ve discovered it makes me a whole lot happier if I break away from any and all electronics once in a while.”

“I hate when you do that. You should be available for your besties twenty-four/seven,” she scolds.

“What are you doing?”

“We’re having an impromptu bonfire. That’s why I was calling... and went by your house. I stopped at Aunt Eileen’s and she told me you’d most likely be here. I was crossing my fingers.”

Jess slides to a stop in front of us, spraying sand as she giggles. “The only other option was if you were with that hunk of a man of yours getting it on. In that case we were going to leave you alone.”

Jess throws down a large blanket and I scoot onto it. It’s a little nicer than sitting directly on the sand. Emily rushes over to where she dropped her stuff, grabs it, then brings it back and plops down.