
Before I left Jackson the other night, we had arranged to go out for a beer. We haven’t really made the time to hang out and catch up, and with his wedding coming up soon, Jackson decided sooner was better than later.

Bree drops us off in Cherry Valley in the mid-afternoon, and we have a great time, drinking a few beers and shooting pool.

We’re standing on the sidewalk now, waiting for Bree to come and pick us up again. Jackson rang her half an hour ago, so she should be arriving at any minute.

“Let’s not leave it so long next time,” Jackson says. “I can even fly out to you in Washington if you can’t get back up because of the business.”

“I can run the business from anywhere,” I reply. “You know that.”

Jackson grins. “I do. I was just getting rid of any excuses you might come up with. Besides, after I’m married, I might need an escape once in a while.”

I look at him knowingly. “You don’t mean that. I’ve seen the way you look at Bree. You adore her.”

He nods, still smiling. “Course I do. If I’m honest, I’m not sure if there’ll ever be a time when I don’t want to be by her—”

“What on Earth?” I suddenly murmur, glaring down the street.

“What?” Jackson says, turning to look at what’s caught my attention.

I can’t comprehend it, but it’s happening all the same. Nick and Emma are standing on the sidewalk, clearly arguing. A million thoughts fly through my mind, not least of which being why the heck Nick and Emma are even in Cherry Valley. Never mind the fact that they’re here together. I can’t help myself; without a word to Jackson, I move down the sidewalk toward them.

As I get closer, I hear Emma say, “There is no friend, is there?”

Nick shakes his head and says no, then says something about her not getting into the car if he’d told her the truth. Emma then yells that she’s not getting back into the car because he’s had too much to drink. Everyone is watching, clearly intrigued by what is going on. It’s like a domestic disturbance on the sidewalk. Only it’s not like that because Emma and Nick are not together.

It’s at this moment that I see Nick turning nasty. I move closer and hear him yelling aggressively.

“You can’t just leave me here. Who do you think you are? You’re coming back in here and having a drink with me,” Nick yells.

His tone is violent, and I’m getting angry. How dare he speak to Emma like that? What’s more, I’m reminded of the cocky, arrogant jock he used to be. I’ve been right all along; the man has not changed one iota. I’m closing in when suddenly, Nick launches forward and tries to grab Emma’s arm.

“Hey!” I yell, breaking into a sprint.

In five steps, I’m at Emma’s side. Without asking, I grab her by the waist and spin her behind me, using my body to block Nick from getting near her.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I spit at him.

Nick has taken a step back, but he is by no means retreating. “What’s it to you?” he barks back. “Me and my girl were just having a discussion. Now, get out of the way. This is none of your business.”

“She isn’t your girl,” I growl back at him.

“Well, she sure isn’t yours, nerd,” Nick snarls, a nasty smirk dancing at the side of his mouth. “If I remember correctly, Finn, you’ve never been too lucky with the girls, have you? Even in high school, you were a loser.”

While he thinks he’s insulting me, his words bounce right off. I’m not a little boy, and thus, I don’t need to compete with the likes of him. Besides, he’s clearly drunk. “I think you need to call a cab and go home, Nick,” I say tersely.

“I don’t care what you think,” he snaps back. “Now, move, so I can talk to Emma.”

“Not a chance. I think you’ve said enough. It’s time you went home.”

Nick growls and steps forward, squaring up to me. I don’t move. I just look at him with the same scowl he’s giving me. I can see doubt in his expression, though. I’m not the skinny teenager I used to be, and I’m as tall as him now. The fact that I’m not moving is also unnerving him a little.

“You’re a weakling, Brecken. You always were. You’re pathetic now, just like you were pathetic back then,” Nick spits aggressively. His fear is showing, hence the reason why he’s turning to insults. But still, I don’t move.

I sense Jackson at my side. Placing a hand on my arm, he says, “We should go, Finn. Bree’s here.”