I turn to see that Emma is no longer behind me. Bree has her arm around Emma’s shoulders, and the two women are walking towards the car.

“Oh, look.” Nick laughs mockingly, making a fool out of himself in the process. “Here’s the other nerd. Two nerds in a pod. Did you guys ever get together? You make such a great couple.”

It’s another remark that bounces off me. I’m not angry at anything he’s saying to me; I’m angry because of what he’s done to Emma. I want to launch at him in retaliation for the dreadful behavior he’s put her through.

“This guy is looking for a fight,” Jackson continues, like he can read my mind. “It’s not worth it.”

I know he’s right, and I let him pull me back. I turn and walk with him toward the car. Behind us, Nick is squealing like a crazed animal, calling us all kinds of names—chickens, cowards, and yellowbellies. Jackson opens the back door and practically shoves me in it before slamming it closed. He swiftly jumps into the front seat.

“Drive,” he says to Bree.

While I’m now shaking with rage in the back, Bree is in the middle of a tirade in the front. “What is wrong with that guy? What a piece of work. Look at him making a fool out of himself in the middle of the street. And of course, there are no cops around when you need them. Maybe we should call the cops. He’s clearly drunk, and if he gets into that car—”

“Bree,” Jackson says calmly, putting a hand over hers as she steers. “It’ll be fine. Let’s just get back. You’re right. He is a fool. But that’s his problem.”

Bree’s words pass over me. I have too many of my own thoughts to contend with. I’m so angry, but not just because of what Nick Fenton has done. I’m angry because I’ve always known what kind of man he is, and I knew this was going to happen eventually. I should have followed my gut and warned Emma to stay away. If I had just opened my mouth when I had the chance, she wouldn’t have gone through that.

It’s only then that I think to look over at her as she sits in the back seat beside me. I’ve been so selfishly consumed with my own raging emotions that what she might be going through hasn’t occurred to me. But as soon as I see her, I know the damage has been done.

Emma is tucked up against the door, mindlessly staring out of the window. Her knuckles are white from the grip she has on her purse, but worst of all, she’s trembling from head to toe. I want to reach out and offer her some comfort, but I stop myself. Can I really offer her comfort while knowing that I am the reason she needs it? Does that not make me a gigantic hypocrite?

She needs you, Finn. Just swallow your pride.

I listen to the voice inside my head, and without words, I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her toward me. She doesn’t resist. In fact, she snuggles her head into my chest. She’s still trembling, and I pull my arm around her tighter, like that will make it stop. But it doesn’t.

The soft scent of her perfume reaches my nose, and I breathe her in. My heart is still thumping with the anger I’m desperately trying to contain, and at this moment, I despise myself. These last few weeks, I’ve been trying to contain other feelings, too, but today has brought everything into focus. The truth is, I am falling for Emma Bolton, and I’m falling hard. I haven’t met another woman who makes me feel like she does, who makes me laugh, who brings out the best in me. And I’ve come to realize that I want her in my life.

Today’s events have only emphasized how much I want to protect her and keep her from harm. I can only do that if we’re together.