Abbey. I’ve done my best to put her out of my mind, but right now, as I watch the way her eyes widen when they land on me, I picture how she looked the verymoment I slipped inside her.It’s something I’ve pictured every time I’ve seen her over the last five months. Here I am again, caught off guard by the flood of memories from our one night together. She’s frozen mid-stride, and for a moment,it’sjust the two of us, and we aren’t standing in my parents’ doorway. Instead, we’re at my house on the floor. On the kitchen counter. Against the wall of my hallway. On the couch. Then suddenly, we’re both released from our memories as my date clears her throat.
Abbey recovers quickly, “Oh…uh, come in.”
I try to keep my voice steady, “Abbey.” Her name tastes bittersweet on my tongue.
She glances back up at me. “Parker.”Once again, our gaze holds for a mere second, but we have a whole conversation within that time before she breaks theconnection and brushes past me. I close my eyes, willing myself not to turn around.Five months of occasional encounters filled with awkward silences, sassy comments, and uneasy conversation. We’ve kept it friendly…ish and worked hard to hide the tension that hangs between us. The funny thing is, I didn’t even consider how seeing her tonight would make me feel. Let alone that I would feel anything at all.
“Well, that was weird. Who is she?”Lily’s voice pulls my mind away from the petitevixen walking away.When I look over at her, she’s watching Abbey then returns her focus to me.Naturally, my eyes follow her original line of vision.A mistake, I think to myself, but my subconscious thinks something different. I shake that thought off as quickly as it comes.“No one special.”
I can feel her watching me, so I turn to face her. Herscrutiny is full ofquestions, and I don’t say a word back. Lily’s eyes crinkle at the corners, and her lips purse. Everything about the look she gives me says she doesn’t quite believe me. She opens her mouth then closes it again. I gave her the only answer I’m going to give her. Besides, I owe Lily nothing because we aren’t exclusive. I never do serious for this exact reason—no obligations to explain myself to anyone.She knows it just as much as I do, so she remains silent.
Taking her hand once more, I lead Lily into the house. When I spot my mom, she smiles brightly, ending my thoughts of Abbey and our awkward run-in.
As we reach her, Mom leans in, placing a peck on my cheek. “Parker,I’m glad you’re here.” Glancing at Lily, she gives hera half-smile. “Hello,” shereaches her hand out in introduction.
“Mom, this is Lily,” I chime in, feeling obligated to be a part of their introduction.Lily accepts her greeting, smiling. “Hello, Mrs.Nallen. Nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well. Welcome to our home.” Mom returns Lily’s smile. She begins asking her a few questions, and they chat while I remain silent beside them. My eyes are roaming the room, full of friends and family. Some I haven’t seen in years. I spot my brother, Drew, about the same time he sees me and waves me over. As I excuse myself, Mom and my date barely glance my way. Drew and I meet halfway, embracing one anotherin a brotherly hug,“Dude, you’re on time to a party for once,” I say. Pulling back, he slaps me on the shoulder.
“It’s not every day your favorite little brother has an engagement party,” he replies.
Wrapping my arm around his shoulder, I grin over at him, my smirk hard to contain as I tease, “I didn’t realize Jasper was even dating anyone. Not to mention, he’s barely twenty-three. I don’t think he’s looking to get married anytime soon.”
Drew elbows me in my side, and we both start laughing.Referring to Jasper, the youngest sibling in our family, as the favorite is a joke between all of us. Well, except Tyler. He is the self-proclaimed favorite, no matter what any of us say. Our parents were saints raising four feisty boys and one girl, Kelsea, who could equally match us any day. When it comes to the five of us, we keep one another, especially our parents, on their toes.
When I look up again, I see Rosie and Abbey walking towards us. A tall, lanky guy with blonde hair and an appearance of an effortlessly cool style is holding Abbey’s hand. My smile instantly fades, and a sudden sharp pain shoots through my chest. If I didn’t know better, I would say I’m jealous. My eyes connect with Abbey’s, and the same stormy emotions I feel inside reflect in her eyes. Before I can further analyze it, I feel an arm slip through mine, and my thoughts are turn back to the fact that I’m here with someone else, too.
“Parker, I’m so happy to see you,” Rosie beams when she reaches me. She leans forward, raising on her tiptoes, and gives me a warm hug.
I focus my attention on Rosie. “Rosie, are yousureabout this? You know, marrying Drew comes with the added baggage ofasshole brothers.” I wink at her.
Rosie laughs at the same time I hear mumbling fromAbbey, who’s standing ridged behind her. I’m not sure, but I think she said,“Are you the biggest of them all?”Abbey’s eyes lock directly on mine, and it drowns out everyone else around us.
My brother’sfiancéturns in the direction of her best friend, “What was that, Abbey?” A look of confusion clouds her face. A friend who has supposedly only met me a handful of times. How would she know anything about me? All eyes are on Abbey now, yet she doesn’t even flinch. A slow smile creeps on her face. “I just said, ‘and does that include the one standing in front of her?’” Excellent recovery. Her eyes are on me, and something in the look of them tells me she just told a little white lie. Rosie laughs her sweet laugh again. “None of them are assholes. It’s a different ‘a’ word. . . arrogant. Except, I’m not sure I would even classify Parker in that category.”
Wrapping his arm around Rosie’s waist, Drew pulls her close. “Babe, it’s apparentallofyourglasses are rose-colored when it comes to theNallenbrothers. It’s sweet.” Everyone laughs, except Abbey and me. We both have knowing grins on our faces.A silent agreement: arrogant isn’t the best word to describe me. Maybe a different “a” word. Assured. Or alpha, when it comes to the bedroom. Actually, in our case, everywhere but the bedroom.
Rosie turns her attention back to me and my date. “Hello, I’m Rosie.”
Lily grins brightly, “I’m Lily! Congratulations on your engagement,” she exclaims as she reaches over, pulling Rosie into a hug.
Rosie enthusiastically reciprocates the affection, her eyes wide, while responding, “Thank you, I’m a lucky girl.” For anyone other than Rosie, that might be a little too much enthusiasm from a stranger, but Rosie mirrors Lily’s excitement.
Drew glances over at me, eyebrows lifting in the air, and gives me a wide smile. I shrug my shoulders and roll my eyes, and he just shakes his head. The room is alive with conversation as everyone continues to make small talk. I remain silent, as does Abbey, doing our best to avoid making eye contact.
Suddenly, Rosie introduces Lily to Abbey. It’s stiff and awkward. Then Rosie introduces Abbey’s date—Sebastian. What kind of name is Sebastian? Even his name is annoyingly cool. When I glance towards Abbey, her demeanor is ridged, and I can’t decipher if it’s because of Lily or Rosie’s introduction. Rosie then pulls Abbey into a conversation. I continue to watch everyone silently, taking in the scene and the emotions swirling within me.
Abbey’s date, Sebastian, starts up a conversation with Drew. Something about this guy talking to my brother bothers me. It makes me think they’ve met before, which means this is more than just a first date, and he means something to Abbey. My eyes drift her way, and at the same time, she glances my way, too. I’m not certain when it happened, but somehow Abbey and I have shifted, and we are standing close to one another. Clearing my throat, I shift my weight from one foot to the other, “You look lovely tonight, Abbey.” This seems to get her date’s attention because he turns to look at her, then his eyes dart to me. Abbey’s gaze locks with mine, and her eyes widen slightly. She doesn’t respond at first, only stares as if she’s analyzing my intentions. She must decide that it’s better to respond instead of just staring because she hastily replies, “Thank you, Parker.” She immediately turns to her date, who’s holding tightly to her hand, and says, “Please excuse me, I…I need a drink.” He begins to say something, but she’s already walking away.
It’s been weeks since we’ve seen each other. I wish I could say it’s been that long since I’ve thought about Parker. But if I’m honest with myself, I’d have to admit that I think of Parker almost daily. His touch. His voice. His body. The way it moved against mine.I had planned on spending most of the night avoiding him to protect myself from what he makes me feel. It’s the reason I’m standing here near the back door, trying to cool off from the night air.
Being around himis harder than I thought it would be. He sets my blood to boil for so many reasons. He annoys the shit out of meby merelyexisting because his existence does something to me that no one has ever done. Hemakes me want things in a way I swore I would never allow. He stirs a desire in me so strong that it makes me want to lose myself in him. I’m completely weak to his powers—his simple compliment made me want him, even if I worked hard to make it appear otherwise. All he freaking said is that I look good. But it was a reminder of the way he approached me the night we met and how I wanted to be with him. Damn him.
As my eyes roam the party, I realize I’m looking for Parker because, although I don’t want to be near him, I’m drawn to him.