Hot breath whispers against my ear, “Looking for me?” and my entire body goes on high alert.A shiver runs up my spine, causing tiny goosebumps all over my body.
Whipping around to face him, I retort, “You wish!” Letting my annoyance seep into my words, I exclaim, “Get away from me, Parker.”
He doesn’t move, and my body doesn’t seem to listen because I don’t move either. “Can’t do that. My mom sent me to find you because we have to make a toast. You’re up first, sunshine.” He walks around me before I can respond, sliding his hand into mine and tugging me in the direction of the gathering.
As we approach, he releases my hand, and I realize I’m trembling a little. Shaking my hand to rid myself of his touch, I push this uneasy feeling from my mind and focus on Rosie as Drew hands me a glass of champagne.
Seeing Drew grin so brightly jiggles some of the ice loose from my cold heart. “Abs, when you give your toast, just think of all the Chunky Monkey I’ve contributed to yourgirls’ movie nights.” Drew always knows how to break through my tough girl demeanor, and I shake my head, laughing harder than I’ve laughed in a while.
“You know it. It’s the only reason I even tolerate you,” I remark, winking at him. Rosie giggles beside Drew while he puffs his chest out like he just won a prize. Well, come to think of it, he did. He was lucky enough to win Rosie’s love, even if it took him a while to figure out that he practically stole her heart from the instant they met.
Suddenly, Parker taps his glass, tearing my attention away from my favorite couple as the room grows quiet. “Excuse me, everyone, may I have your attention?My intention was to let the lady go first,” Parker politely points in my direction without really looking at me. “But I’ve been informed that it is tradition for the best man to kick off the toasts.” Parker pauses until the room goes silent, all attention on him.
He stands confidently, owning the room with a single request. It’s this demeanor, this arrogance, that leads me to wonder how anyone could resist anything he asked. A grin spreads across his face, abroad, genuine, and kind smile. One that leaves me a little breathless. One that gives off the perception that this gorgeous specimen of a man might be the decent guy he appears to be. “First, I would like to thank you all for coming to celebrate Drew and Rosie and their love.” He releases a soft sigh before continuing, “Most of you know me as Drew’s older, wiser, and dare I say, better-looking older brother.” The room fills with laughter as he continues, “While I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that my kid brother actually found someone to tolerate him enough to marry him, I knew the moment I saw him with Rosie that she was the one for him.”
Parker turns and looks over at Drew and Rosie, the two of them beaming in his direction. “I may not be a love-at-first-sight kind of guy, but the day Rosie fell into his life, Drew was smitten. Literally. She fell into his arms, and he fell in love.” Everyone in the room laughs again. Parker continues, “Thankfully for him and our family, she saw in Drew what he’s tried to hide from the world. A kindhearted, devoted, and loving guy. There is no doubt these two found their perfect matches. Drew and Rosie, I love you both and wish you every happiness this crazy world has to offer.” Everyone claps,and whistles ring through the room. “Before we make the official toast, Rosie’s best friend and maid of honor, the surprising and unique Abbey, has a few words she wants to share with you about the couple.”
Surprising and unique?Our gazes lock, and my mind tries to decipher just what he meant by those two words. I don’t know if I should be upset or flattered. Ugh. First, he compliments me on my appearance. Now this subtle accolade. He is so frustrating. Maybe it isn’t him that is frustrating; maybe it’s my heart. When I snap out of my thoughts, I realize everyone is waiting for me to begin. I look at the happy couple, and Rosie gives me an encouraging smile because she knows I’ve been pushed into doing two of my least favorite things—sharing my emotions and public speaking. I see the worry on her face, so I wink at her, reassuring her that she has nothing to feel guilty about. . . and it’s just like Rosie to feel guilty about this.
“Well, let’s see…where do I begin? I … I’m terrible at this kind of thing. . . good at a lot of other things, but this whole talking in front of groups, not so much.” I look at Rosie and smile. Everyone around us chuckles, albeit uncomfortably. “Rosie and Drew. Let’s just say I’m glad these two got their sh . . . uh, got their stuff together. Drew, he’s a smart guy, and here’s why. He sees Rosie for all the amazing things she has to offer. She’s the most loving, loyal person and the only one in this world I trust with my heart. I look at Rosie, and she looks back at me as a lone tear slips down my cheek. I wipe my tear and continue, “It’s because of her love for Drew that I know, without a doubt, he’s worthy of love. I know they’ll have many years of happiness because they both deserve it. Good people win. So, raise your glass to Rosie and Drew and their beautiful future.”Shouts of joy echo throughout the room as everyone raises their glass and takes a drink.
Tossing back my champagne,Iquicklywalk over to Rosie and Drew, kiss their cheeks, and head to the bar to get a refill of liquid courage. I feel overwhelmed by the need to get as far away from the penetrating eyes boring into me.
Everyone’s hugging, and my dad embraces my mom as tears hang on the brim of her eyelids. Drew dips Rosie into a romantic kiss. My eyes stay glued to the petite blondewalking awaylike a couple of hellhounds are at her heels. Abbey. But just as I’m about to follow her, a hand grips my arm.
“Nice speech,” Lily says sweetly, smiling up at me.
I look at her. She’s pretty. Fun. Great body. But Lily talks to me, I can’t help but peek over her shoulder and see her, the source of all my inner turmoil, leaning against the champagne bar, talking to the bartender. Five feet away, I notice her date talking to myparent’s neighbor, his back to her. Who in his right mind would leave a woman like her alone? When I hear my name, it pulls my attention back to the girl standing in front of me. She isn’t smiling anymore. “Uh, sorry, what?” I say.
“I said, nice speech.” Lily’s annoyance is obvious from how she pops her hip and crosses her arms over her chest.
“Oh, sorry. Thanks.” I mumble as I turn my attention back to Abbey. The bartender hands Abbey a flute of champagne and smiles at her like he’d prefer to lick it off her body. “Can you excuse me?” I’m not even concerned with Lily or her feelings, which I know makes me the biggest asshole. As I walk away, I hear a small huff escape her lips before she says, “Are you serious? You’ve ignored me all night. Why did you even bring me?” She shouts after me. The question slows my pace but doesn’t stop me. It’s a dick move, but I ignore her, my focus strictly on one thing. No, one person. “Idon’t have to putup with this. I’m outta here,” she huffs then storms out of the room. I know I should feel bad for treating Lily this way, but truthfully, I don’t have the patience to care right now. Selfishly, I keep walking across the room, heading straight for Abbey. My gaze analyzes the way her cat-like eyes offer a glimpse into the part of her she so desperately tries to hide when she laughs. Her pouty bottom lip makes me want to suck on it like I did that night we met. She has no idea I’m even moving toward her until I’m mere steps away.
She’s turns in my direction, a tinkling laugh escaping her lips, before catching my approach. Her eyes widen, and the laughter ceases. As I step up to her, I takethefluteof champagnefrom her hand and set it on the bar before she can say a word.Taking her by the hand, I pull her behind me as we wind our way through a small group of guests. My strides are longer than Abbey’s, and I can feel her shuffling to keep up with me. Stomping up the stairs like a man on a mission, I pause in the dark, empty hallway that leads tomy childhood bedroom.
Stumbling as she comes to a stop, she falls forward into me just as I turn to catch her. Her small curves press against my hard muscles, her scent surrounding me. Damn, she smells as good as I remember. I run my nose along the column of her slender neck, taking in as much of her scent as I can. Abbey sighs, and her body relaxes a little in response.
Backing her up against the wall, I block her in with my arms.
“Parker, we shouldn’t be alone.” Her eyes close and the way her body leans towards me contradicts her words of objection.
“I don’t agree with that statement, and I don’t think you really feel that way either. Unless you’re worried about your date,” I tell her as I look into her eyes.
“It’s none of your business; not to mention, you’re here with a date, too,” Abbey retorts. She makes a half-hearted attempt to leave, but I block her from passing. Her efforts are clearly for show. We both know if she really wanted to get away from me, she could. So, I say, “I haven’t been able to stop looking at you all night. My God, Abbey. Every time I’ve been near you, I must fight the urge to reach out and touch you. Kiss you. Tell me you feel it too. Our night together has played over and over in my mind for months.” I sigh, “Admit you feel it, too.” She huffs, closing her eyes tighter. I wait. Slowly, her lids lift open again.
I look into her eyes. Neither of us says anything at first. I’m at war with something I can’t even explain.I can’t explain it or make sense of it because I’ve never experienced anything like this before her.
“Why are you doing this? We agreed weeks ago to let this go. We decided to leave that night in the past for Rosie and Drew’s sake, to act as if it never happened. Remember? You are the big brother of my best friend’s fiancée.” She sounds desperate, almost sad.
“I can’t, and I don’t think you want me to,” I confess, determined to force her to admit she wants me too.
“You don’t know what I want. You aren’t thatirresistible, Parker,” she pauses and straightens her shoulders as best she can within my firm yet light grip. “I don’t want you.”It’s like she threw down the gauntlet. A challenge. And aNallennever backs down from a challenge.
Instead of retreating, I step even closer, bringing my mouth to her ear. “I don’t believe you,” I whisper. My breath dances across her skin. “And I’ll prove it.” An exhale escapes from between her lips. She doesn’t move. She doesn’t say a word. Without touching my lips to her, I run my mouth down the column of her neck—mere inches between us. “Sometimes,all a person needs todoissimplybe near,” I say quietly. Abbey swallows, her breathing becoming more rapid as I move to her bare shoulder. Blowing lightly, I feel the goosebumps rise on her arms. Slowly,Imoveuntilmymouthisoverhers. “To show a little attraction by standing close,”I continue as I softly kiss her. Ifeel her reaction—aslighttremblerunsthroughherbody,andsheletsoutasoftsigh.”To create anticipation and a silent promise through the undeniable chemistry,” I whisper. “I may not know what all of these emotions you fuel in me mean, but I do know that you and I have chemistry. You,AbbeyDeDiego, want me. And I…”