“I… I guess I am a little embarrassed. Andy always thought it was so deviant.”

Rake stands, and with his hands on my waist, spins me to face him. “Baby, you don’t ever need to be embarrassed with me. Always ask for what you want. If it has to do with animals, I might say no, but otherwise, I’m open to anything.”

I smack his chest and laugh. “Damn. And here I thought you might be okay inviting some four-legged friends into our bed.”

“Call me a prude, baby, but a man’s gotta draw the line somewhere.”

He leads me to the living room sofa and sits me down, facing him. Propping my legs over his shoulders, he trails kisses down my stomach to the top of my pussy. He probes me open with his tongue and tastes me with long, slow laps, reaching all the way to my ass, then returning to my clit.

Incredible. This man is incredible.

The tension in my sex is building and building and in minutes I’m wound so tightly I’m bucking and shaking into his mouth.

Then he stops.

“What the—” I start to complain.

But his cock slides through my wetness, finding my opening. He pauses to look at me.

“You were saying?” He grins wickedly, and if it were any other time, I might play-smack him.

But right now, I want one thing.

“C’mon,” I whine, moving my hips to take him inside.

And of course, because he can, he remains just out of my reach.

“So help me, Rake, if you don’t start fucking me, you’re going to have a crazy woman on your hands?—”

Oh. There we go. He slides inside, my pussy opening to take all of him, and he pumps, his hands under my ass holding me in place.

I’m wild with desperation, the tickle of my building orgasm prickling me all over. I’m close, so close it hurts, and I watch Rake fuck me, our gazes locked, sweat trickling down our temples.

A finger probes my ass and I stare into Rake’s eyes as he starts to violate me back there, first pressing and prodding, then breaching my tight ring. When he’s finally inside, he pulses his finger while his cock drives in and out. A feral cry fills my ears and I realize that wild sound just came from me and my heaving chest.

Rake watches me explode, drawing from me the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had.

His strokes speed up and then he holds himself deep inside me, panting and convulsing, his mouth slack, his gaze never leaving mine.

When we settle, he stays inside me and we just stare at each other, like we can’t believe what we stumbled into.

At least that’s what I’m thinking.

And I’m pretty goddamn sure he’s thinking the same thing.



Vince throws me a nod,and I take my place on the podium, sitting behind a table with Coach, the team manager, and a couple other players. They slide the mic down to me, and I clear my throat, a warm dribble of perspiration already gathering on the back of my neck.

I’ve spoken to the media dozens of times, but something is different today. Maybe because in the past I’ve only talked about my performance in a given game, providing insights as to why things went this or that way.

Today is not about the game, but personal stuff.

“Thank you for coming out today,” I say to the press filling the room before me. “It makes me glad to see you have enough respect for me that you want to hear what’s going on in my professional and personal life that you’re here.”

I look into the crowd at the faces of press people I’ve known for years, as well as some new ones. Some are extending mics in my direction, some have a pen poised over a notepad, and others are holding big cameras on their shoulders.