Frankly, I’m surprised people are this interested in my life. But if they are, I’ll answer their questions. If there was no public to watch our games, there’d be no team. So they deserve to know what’s going on.

“First, I want to say that after extensive discussion, soul-searching, and unsolicited advice from everyone around me”—quiet laughter moves through the crowd—“I have decided… to stay with the San Francisco Aftershocks. This is the place that made me into a professional hockey player, gave me all the opportunities an aspiring pro athlete could ever want, and blessed me with the best family I’ve ever had.”

As expected, a murmur runs through the crowd, some people nodding and others shaking their heads. I glance over at Vince, who nods for me to continue.

I have to give the man credit. He has my back on this.

“So, I hope you, and the fans, don’t mind my sticking around San Francisco for at least a few more years. And to any of you who wanted to get rid of me, well, sorry ‘bout that.”

I wanted to tell them to suck it, but that’s how the old Rake handled problems. I promised myself I would be more diplomatic going forward.

Or, at least, try to.

“The second thing I want to talk about today is my relationship with Petal Parker.”

Pausing, I look around the room. Good. I’ve got everyone’s attention.

“I know I just made it seem like I’m sticking around for my love of the Aftershocks as well as San Francisco. But to be honest, that’s only part of the story.”

Another pause, like Vince coached me. I shift in my seat as sweat soaks the back of my shirt.

“The most important reason I’m sticking around is for her.”

The press look at each other, and the chatter running through the crowd gets louder.

“Rake, question, please,” yells a guy in the back.

I nod. “Go ahead.”

“Is it true or not that your marriage to Miss Parker is some sort of joke that you hoped would help your reputation?”

I take a deep breath. “It’s true that’s how things started. But it’s no longer the case. We are a real couple. That’s really all there is to it. Pretty simple. We’re two people in a normal relationship. We did things backward by getting married before the relationship, but it’s real now.”

More laughter runs through the crowd.

“You guys know I never do things the easy way. Any other questions?”

A dozen hands shoot up.

“Yes, over there. I like your shirt,” I say, pointing out the man’s Aftershocks shirt. “Thank you for your support.”

The reporter nods and smiles. “My pleasure, Rake. How have your teammates and the coaching staff received this news?”

“As you might imagine, they are all totally bummed they can’t get rid of me.” For a moment, the room is dead silent as people are trying to figure out whether I’m joking or not. “Seriously, everyone has been incredibly supportive of my decision. Turns out they like me more than I thought they did.”

I’m on a roll. I’ve got this shit.

I point to a guy in the middle of the pack. “Right there. Go ahead, sir.”

“How do you handle the public’s interest in your personal life? There’s been a lot of heat on you lately.”

“No kidding,” I say, nodding. “Look, it’s not always easy dealing with public—or press—interest in my private life, but I know it comes with the territory. Both Petal and I value ourprivacy but are also grateful for the support and respect we’ve received. You gotta take the bad with the good, right?”

I look over at Vince, who holds up a finger.

“Looks like we have time for one more question. How about you here, in the front row.”

“Thanks, Rake. How did you weigh your personal life against your professional one in making this decision? Which do you think is more important?”