Page 16 of Pretty Drunk

Wrong, Curtis.

So. Fucking. Wrong.

“Logan,” I groan, my fingers stroking even faster.

“Jesus, Hallie,” he mutters, slamming into me and sending me flying over the edge.

My orgasm rips through my entire body, white light bursting behind my eyelids like fireworks on the Fourth of July. A loud cry fills the space around us, and I don’t even care it’s coming from me. All I can do is feel, and what I’m feeling is fucking amazing.

Just as I start to float down from my release, I move my hand between my legs and cup his balls. They’re tight and hard, and the second I wrap my fingers around them and give them a firm stroke, Logan detonates like a bomb. He slams forward, grinding his groin against my ass, while my internal muscles milk every drop he possesses.

“Holy shit,” he mutters, dropping down to cover my back with his chest.

“Mmm.” My body is practically singing, my limbs numb and boneless, and all I want to do is let the tequila rock me to sleep.

With his arms wrapped around my waist, he turns us both and lies down on the bed. I want to say something witty about being cradled against his chest, but I’m in some sort of orgasm stupor, unable to properly function. All I do is lie here, my back pressed to his incredibly fit abdomen, and listen to the sound of our rapid breathing. My heart is still hammering in my chest as he shifts one arm under my neck and throws the other over my waist.

I try to ignore the nagging feeling of rightness in the moment. Being in his arms feels…perfect. But I push that thought from my brain as quickly as it enters. The last thing I need is to entertain ideas of having more with him. We’re not in a relationship. There’s no happily ever after for the two of us. We had sex—epic sex—but casual nonetheless.

After a few minutes, Logan shifts his position, bringing his mouth closer to my ear and whispers, “Feels good.”

“What does?” I ask, trying to fight from falling asleep, but knowing it’s a losing battle.

“Being bad with you.”

A small smile curls my lips as his breathing evens out and he starts to snore lightly. Never in a million years did I think I’d be here, in his bed, wrapped in his arms, but right now, my brain is unable to process everything that’s happened. The overthinking will come in the morning. Tonight, I’m just going to enjoy being here, riding the high from too much alcohol and amazing sex.

Everything else will still be there in the light of day.

I’ll deal with it then.

Chapter Six


My head is pounding and my stomach churning. It takes extra strength to crack open my eyelids, since they seem a little weighted. My mouth is dry and full of cotton, and my limbs feel heavy and numb. And despite all that, my brain is able to conjure up perfect images of Hallie’s naked body in every position we used.

And damn, did we do a lot of positioning.

I woke up after only an hour of sleep with my hard cock being swallowed down Hallie’s throat. I was still buzzed, desperate for sleep, but when my eyes opened and landed on the gorgeous naked woman between my legs, I was suddenly wide awake. So wide awake, as soon as she sucked me off, I returned the favor and buried my face in her pussy, where I stayed until she was screaming my name and coming on my tongue.

There was another round of epic sex. I was on top, then she was on top in reverse cowgirl. There was bending and lunging and more aerobics than I thought were possible, and at the end, we were both so sated and satisfied, we passed out before our heads hit the pillows for the final time.

I’m going to be dehydrated for a week.

Running my hand over my face, I reach over to find the space beside me empty and cold. I turn in that direction, surprised to find her gone. A quick check of my watch confirms it’s late morning, well after the time I was supposed to be at TD and Ellie’s to help finish cleaning up from the wedding, but what I can’t understand is why Hallie isn’t here.

In my bed.

I toss the rumpled sheet off my lower body and slide out of bed. My legs hurt, and my back is stiff, and my head could definitely use some pain meds. Not to mention the fact I smell like sweat and sex. I’m not complaining—those sweet flashbacks parade through my mind again—but a hot shower is just what the doctor ordered.

Forgoing pants, I move through the house naked and verify what I already know. Hallie is gone, having slipped out at some point between four this morning and eleven when I woke. This is equally perplexing, since she didn’t have a car or keys, and disappointing, because I wouldn’t mind asking her to join me in the shower.

Something tells me I’m going to have a hard time forgetting our night together anytime soon.

I grab a bottle of water from the fridge before making my way to the bathroom. First things first, I pop two tablets from the bottle of pain reliever and toss them in my mouth. Once I chase them with half the bottle of cold liquid, I flip on the shower and grab my toothbrush. The room slowly fills with steam as I start to scrub my teeth with toothpaste, spitting the remnants into the sink and rinsing both the brush and my mouth. Finally, I chug the remainder of the cold water, toss the bottle into the trash, and climb into the shower, adjusting the temperature so it doesn’t scald me.

“Fuck,” I grumble, placing my hands on the shower wall and dipping my head under the spray. The hot water running down my back is welcome and relaxing as I twist my neck from side to side, trying to stretch out my achy muscles.