Page 17 of Pretty Drunk

Memories parade through my brain once more, reminding me exactly why my body is so sore. Marathon sex will do that to a guy, even one who enjoys running and working out a few times a week. I have to admit, sex with Hallie was definitely the best workout I’ve ever had.

Grabbing the bar of soap, I wash myself from head to toe before reaching for the shampoo and scrubbing my hair, despite having washed it last night. As much as I’d love to stand here until the water turns cold, I have plenty of stuff to do today. First up, head over to my friend’s house and complete the list I promised I’d help do. Once that’s done, maybe then I can focus on Hallie and find out why the hell she snuck out of my bed without waking me.

Maybe then I can convince her to rejoin me later.

Hallie’s not here.

When I arrived at TD and Ellie’s, I was surprised to find Hallie’s car gone. Considering she didn’t have her keys, that means she was up early and made calls for help. Honestly, it pisses me off a little she didn’t ask me. I could have run her to her brother’s to retrieve her spare house key, taken her to her condo for the second key to her Jeep, and then brought her back here for her vehicle. Yet, she decided to seek help elsewhere, which is incredibly annoying.

“You okay?” TD asks, stepping up behind me and causing me to startle.

“Yep, good,” I insist brightly, tossing the last of the big black trash bags into the outside can.

“You look like shit. I thought you didn’t drink much last night,” he says, rolling one of the cans to the edge of the driveway to be picked up tomorrow morning.

“Didn’t sleep well,” I counter, grateful he can’t read my mind.

“Heard my sister slept at your place last night.”

I almost groan out loud as TD’s eyes widen. “What?”

We both turn to face Gabe, who’s carrying a box of decorations and putting them in the bed of TD’s truck. “She locked her keys in her Cherokee last night, and since she and Logan were two of the last ones here, she said he offered her a place to crash.”

My gut churns with anxiety.

TD’s eyebrows climb into his hairline. “You only have one bed,” he states unnecessarily.

Gabe’s eyes narrow just a bit as he stares at me from across the driveway.

That headache I’ve been fighting all morning starts to pound right behind my eyeballs. “I also have a couch,” I reply through gritted teeth. It’s not a total lie. I do have a couch and even had every intention of sleeping on it.

Tequila and a gorgeous woman might have changed the plan, but they definitely don’t need to know that.

TD holds up his hands in surrender. “I know, I was just messing with you. I know you didn’t do anything inappropriate with Hallie. She seemed pretty drunk last night, and if there was anyone I’d trust to protect and help an intoxicated woman, it’s you.”

Christ. Dig the knife in a little deeper, why don’t you.

“She was definitely having a good time last night,” Gabe says, walking over and joining us. “Glad she had somewhere to go when she locked her keys in her vehicle.”

“See? You’re a hero,” TD bellows with a laugh, slapping me on the shoulder.

Hero. Right.

A hero wouldn’t know what she sounds like riding his cock.

“Anyway, she’s home, hopefully sleeping off her hangover. She doesn’t drink too much, and I’m guessing she didn’t have enough food in her stomach for the amount of wine she was consuming. When she called me this morning, she sounded a little rough and certainly looked it when I picked her up here to run her to her condo.”

Well, at least I know it was her brother who grabbed her and took her to get her keys. I’m still a little annoyed she didn’t just wake me up so I could do it, but I’m not going to complain too much since the one she called for help was Gabe. And no way am I going to tell him she had a few shots of tequila on top of the wine she consumed.

Fuck, I’m a terrible friend.

Needing a redirect, I turn to Gabe and ask, “How’s Blair?”

A wide grin spreads across his face. “Fine. My unofficial diagnosis is morning sickness, and we’ll confirm that tomorrow morning at the clinic.”

“No shit?” TD says, stepping in and giving him a one-handed bro-hug. “Congrats, man.”

“A wedding and a baby?” I ask, slapping him on the shoulder and giving it a squeeze. “Happy to hear.”