Page 75 of Is This Love?


I’m staring at the television with no sound as Legend combs his fingers through my hair. When the sound of multiple phones getting messages alerts us, I sit up, pull mine from my pocket, and smile as tears fill my eyes.

Roman: It’s a girl! Mom and baby are doing great. Em wants a little time, and then we’ll invite you all back.

Happy tears overwhelm me, and I turn to see Roman’s mom crying with a smile so big on her face that it could light up the darkest of nights. His dad’s grin rivals his mom's as he pulls her into his arms.

“I’m an uncle.” Forrest sits in his chair, smiling down at his phone.

“We’re all uncles,” Lachlan reminds him.

Forrest nods, still smiling.

“You good, gorgeous?” Legend asks me.

“I’m good. I can’t wait to meet her.” I wipe my eyes, feeling silly for crying.

Legend takes over, smoothing his thumbs over my cheeks. “Aunt Monroe.” He smiles. “Is it safe to say we’re going to be babysitting a lot?” he asks.

“I’ve already told Emerson I want on the list. I guess I should have made sure you were okay with that. I can keep her at their place.”

“Of course I’m okay with it. It’s our home, baby. Ours together.”

I feel more tears well, but I blink them away. “Rome’s parents will probably fight me over it.” I laugh.

Legend chuckles. “Probably, but I know they’ve been traveling a lot like your parents, so my guess is that your shot at keeping our niece is pretty good.”

Everyone is suddenly wide awake, laughing and talking. When another message comes through from Roman telling us we can come to the room, we all go at once. We ignore the nurses’ two-at-a-time rule and make our way quietly down the hall. We’re all going to sneak in because we’re all eager to meet her. They can kick us out later. Rome’s parents and Forrest are already back there, which we understand, but I’m ready to meet baby girl.

When we walk into the room, my emotions flood me. “Em.” My voice cracks as I place my hand over my mouth. “She’s beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Roman says, and everyone laughs.

“Can I hold her?” I can’t take my eyes off the tiny bundle wrapped in pink in Forrest’s arms. He carefully hands her over to me, and my heart melts. “You precious thing,” I whisper. I look up and meet my best friend's eyes, which are also filled with tears. “What’s her name? I can’t keep calling her ‘thing.’ It’s creepy.” I laugh as I wipe at my tears with one hand, holding on tightly to this tiny baby girl with my other.

“Her name is Lilly Monroe Bailey,” Emerson tells me. She’s smiling and crying at the same time.

My heart hammers so hard, I’m afraid I might be having a heart attack as I try to process her words. My best friend named her baby girl after me. This tiny, precious human has my name, and I’m so honored and touched and full of love for this little girl, my best friend, and her husband that I’m overcome with emotion.

“What?” I finally whisper. “You named her after me?” Even I can hear the awe in my voice. If it weren’t for the hammering beat of my heart in my chest, I might think I was dreaming, but the overwhelming feeling tells me I’m wide awake.

“You’re my best friend.” Roman clears his throat. “My best girl friend,” Emerson amends, and the room laughs. “I love you. You’ve been there for me through so many struggles and were my biggest supporter when me and Rome first got together.”

I look down at the slumbering baby in my arms. “Hi, Lilly. I’m your aunt Monroe, and I love you so much.”

Eventually, Lachlan pries Lilly from my arms, taking his turn. All of the guys, even Drake, take turns holding her while Lisa and Lyra have to beg for their turns.

“She’s already spoiled,” Roman says, kissing the top of Emerson’s head. He rests back against the bed, wrapping his arms around her. He’s wearing a silly, happy smile.

Glancing across the room, I lock eyes with Legend. I can’t quite describe the look on his face.

He mouths, “Are you okay?” and I nod. His answering smile is comforting.

In my head, I’m trying not to imagine this moment as if it were he and I who just had our first baby. I can see it all as clearly as this moment.

Suddenly, it’s all I want.

I wonder if I can convince my fake husband to be mine forever so we can share moments like these together.