Page 76 of Is This Love?

If only I was brave enough to tell him that I’m in love with him.




I can’t stop staring at her with baby Lilly in her arms. She’s smiling through her tears. She glances over at me and playfully rolls her eyes when I wink at her. She’s a fucking vision. So much so that I can see this as my future. My future with her. Today, this moment brings a clarity I didn’t realize I needed. I take that back. I knew I needed it. I’ve been hiding from it, hoping that I could control it.

I can’t control it.

I don’t want to control it.

I want her.

Just her.

My wife.

I want this moment for her.

For us.

I just fell in love with my wife.




“Look at that smile. You love your aunt Monroe, don’t you?” I ask baby Lilly.

“That’s gas,” Forrest replies.

“He’s right,” Lachlan agrees. “I was holding her the other day, and she was laughing and smiling. Then the worst smell came out of her. How can something so damn cute reek that bad?”

“She’s a baby, not a thing.”

Lachlan waves me off. “You know what I mean.”

“At least she didn’t shit on you,” Maddox tells him.

“Watch your mouth around my daughter,” Roman tells him.

“She’s too little to understand.”

“My little ladybug is a genius,” Roman says.

“A little genius who loves her aunt Mo.”

“Are you corrupting my daughter?” Emerson asks, joining us. She places a big bowl of potato salad on the food table. “Are we ready to eat?” she asks Roman.

We’re all at their place, celebrating Memorial Day. As soon as I walked through the door, I made a beeline for baby Lilly, and I’ve been holding her hostage ever since.

“Your wife is a baby hog,” Forrest grumbles.

“You should have one of your own,” Legend tells him.