“Leave her here?” Gaeren asked. “Right where we’re guiding Mayvus’ troops?”
An argument broke out, everyone’s voices clashing, but each of them saying her name, speaking about her, for her. She closed her eyes, trying to drown out the individual voices so she could hear her own thoughts. In two days, they would all be walking or riding to their possible deaths, fighting for their freedom, but also for hers. It wasn’t right that they bore the brunt of the danger and the weight of the risks. Not unless she was willing to do the same. Her fear of being a liability hadn’t gone away, but facing that fear seemed far better than sitting around waiting for her fate while letting everyone else make sacrifices.
“I want to go.” Aeliana’s words came out too quietly for anyone to hear. “I want to go,” she said again, raising her voice to drown out the others.
They stopped talking, turning to take her in. Her hands shook, so she gripped the edge of the table to hide her fear.
“I can heal people, which is an essential skill on the battlefield. I can give them my energy, which, despite weaning, has been far more than I can use on my own.”
Velden’s eyebrows dipped at that revelation.
“I can protect people with light shields.”
Cyrus, Velden, Lukai, Jasperus, and Holm nodded their approval, but the rest still seemed unconvinced, especially the soldiers she didn’t know. They probably wondered if her similarities to Mayvus ran far deeper than her looks.
“Still,” Aeliana continued. “We’ll need to have a contingency plan. You’re right. If she activates the brand, I’ll become your enemy. It’s been my greatest fear ever since Sylmar and Jasperus explained brands to me.”
Sylmar stood taller, no longer leaning on his staff. “We already have a plan.”
The mood around the room shifted, her friends suddenly unable to hold her gaze. Even Cyrus looked away, clearly in on whatever plan Sylmar referenced.
Only Gaeren stiffened beside her. “What plan?” he asked.
When none of the Vendarans spoke up, Cyrus sighed. “I told them Aeliana wouldn’t do it. It depends on her being willing to give her blood to Jasperus. If Mayvus activates the brand early, Jasperus can brand Aeliana as well, so his brand will compete with Mayvus’.”
Aeliana sucked in a breath. “Will that work?” If it could work that easily, why hadn’t they told her this before?
“It’s blood magic,” Gaeren said, shaking his head. “You’re no better than Mayvus if you’re willing to risk summoning the dark spirits.”
Aeliana shrank back even though his accusation was directed at Sylmar. She’d been so quick to be pulled into the idea. Was she still so tempted by blood magic that she wasn’t even aware of all the times it tempted her?
“It’s a risk worth taking,” Sylmar said. “On the battlefield we lie and kill. The boundaries between right and wrong shift depending on the motives behind the action.”
Cyrus’ eyes met Aeliana’s, but the pained expression on his face made it impossible to know if he agreed with Sylmar’s words.
“Besides,” Sylmar continued, “Jasperus doesn’t have a history of blood magic. Even if his actions call the dark spirits, he won’t invite them in. He won’t be tempted.”
His unspoken words rang in Aeliana’s ears. She had a history of blood magic. If she called the dark spirits, she might invite them in.
“What about Mayvus?” Aeliana asked. “Wouldn’t we just be delivering dark spirits for her to use?”
“We should assume she’ll be using them anyway,” Sylmar said. “She doesn’t need our help for that.”
Aeliana shivered, and Gaeren took another step closer to her.
“What would the Sun think of your plan?” Gaeren asked.
“I’m guessing the Sun is just as eager to see Mayvus out of power as we are.” Sylmar’s voice took on a weary tone. His eyes bore into Gaeren, who clamped his jaw shut and mirrored Sylmar’s glare.
“If it’s so harmless, why don’t you just brand me now?” Aeliana asked.
“We need the brand to be just as strong as Mayvus’,” Sylmar said, “so it must be done on the same day. Your question about bonds interfering with brands was a good one. It got me thinking about how a second brand can interfere with the first. A brand will always override a bond. However, a second brand could compete for control. If Jasperus brands you, it won’t override her brand, but it will weaken her connection to you. You could fight it.”
Aeliana glanced at Jasperus. “So he’ll command me to fight it?”
“You have to remember who Mayvus is,” Sylmar said. “Once she realizes what he’s done, she’ll have no qualms about eliminating the threat of his interference.”
Aeliana took a step back, understanding sending a cold chill through her chest. She turned to Jasperus. “You’ll do it, expecting her to kill you.”