Page 182 of Blood of the Stars

He shook his head. “I’ll do it, expecting her to brand me next so she can control us both. Which is why I’ll need to be killed.”


“No.” Aeliana backed away from the table. “Absolutely not. If he’s killed, I’m no longer branded. It defeats the whole purpose.”

“No,” Sylmar said. “If he’s killed, the part of you that was branded by him is free. Half of your willpower will be free to fight Mayvus.”

“How would she get his blood in time to do a brand on him?”

“If you continue to underestimate her, you’re better off staying here,” he barked.

“I’d rather you killed me than Jasperus.” She continued her retreat until she bumped into the tent’s frame, her stomach roiling.

Sylmar shook his head. “That’s not an option.”

“Why not?”

“You’re too valuable.”

“I’m no more valuable than Jasperus. If anything, I’m less. I’m a liability.” She glanced at Kendalyhn for support, but the other woman crossed her arms and looked away.

“You’re wrong,” Gaeren said. “You have claim to Mayvus’ throne.”

“Mayvus doesn’t hold a throne,” Sylmar snapped.

“My parents gave her the eastern province.”

Aeliana’s stomach dropped.

“She officially became Queen Mayvus around the same time we were walking through human remains in Islara.” Gaeren’s hand tightened around the pommel of his sword.

Sylmar’s face paled above his beard, making his scars stand out. “Why?”

“It was supposed to be a diplomatic move.” Gaeren ran a hand through his hair but still kept the other balanced on his sword. “Enla explained it to me, but her reasoning was weak. It all goes back to the story Orra told about two brothers fighting over a throne.”

Everyone glanced toward the tent corner, but Orra might have been sleeping in the shadows for how little she reacted.

“I don’t want a throne,” Aeliana said. “I hardly even want my magic.”

“But if those people were given a choice,” Gaeren said, pointing out toward the camp, “they’d all rather you had it than Mayvus. Maybe even more than your mother. How fit can she be to rule after ten years as Mayvus’ brand?”

General Nels and his soldier exchanged guilty glances. Perhaps Gaeren wasn’t too far off in his assessment.

“Why are you telling us this?” Sylmar asked. “She would threaten the throne of your family.”

Gaeren shrugged. “It’s the truth. Besides, I’m not so sure my family should be ruling.”

Like a wave, heads around the tent bent together, murmuring over Gaeren’s words.

“None of this,” Sylmar shouted over everyone, “changes the fact that Aeliana can only come if she agrees to our contingency plan. She has to be willing to give us her blood so Jasperus can override Mayvus’ brand with his own.”

Aeliana glanced at Jasperus, noticing that Sylmar had left out the part about Jasperus being forced to do blood magic and then being killed.

“It’s all right,” Jasperus said. “Even if you don’t agree, I plan to do the same for your mother. I’d rather die to save two lives than just one. Perhaps it will undo some of what my son has done.”

Instead of convincing her, his logic made her hate the situation even more.

Aeliana slipped the cord from around her neck, setting her starlock on the table. A chill ran through her as she let it go. Half the people bent in for a closer look while half scooted away like it was cursed. “What if I give up my starlock? She can’t do much through me without it.”