Page 13 of Saving Chains

“You good?” I ask Reaper, and he nods. “I can stick around,”

“No, it's best if you go.”

Mac laughs loudly, obnoxious dick. I stare at him and feel my lip curl. Not sure what Luna saw in him anyway. He’s slim, his hair is tied back, and his face full of overgrown hair.

I agree silently with a nod. “I’m outta here.”

I leave them to it and head for the door, saying bye to some of my other brothers on the way past. I hear my name called and turn back, “I’ll keep little Luna company, don’t you worry.” Asshole. As I go through the door, I bump into some guy. He’s a little taller than me but not any bigger built than I am. We stare at each other for a second or so, and he walks around me. It’s then I hear Mac call out again.

“Country boy, you made it. Come have a beer with me.”

Fuck this. I’m glad I’m on my way out. I might fuck someone up at this rate, and I don’t want to do that today and most definitely not in here. I don’t need to give Pres a reason to kick my ass.

I jump on my bike and start her up. Before I go back to an empty room, I think a ride is in order. I need to feel the wind on my face and clear my mind.



“Guys. That’s enough.” I round the bar and wedge myself between them, plant my hands against Mac's chest, and put all my strength into pushing him back.

“I’m going to tell you once, Mac,” Reaper grinds out, “you haven’t got a fucking clue who you’re messing with, so stay out of Chains’ way!” Reaper manages to reach around me and shoves his shoulder so hard he stumbles back.

Mac laughs, righting himself and shrugs off Reaper’s threat easily. I look at him in disbelief. “I can tell. He must be a scary fuck if you’ve gotta fight his battles.” Mac laughs some more.

He finally steps back and rests his elbow on the bar. Once I’m satisfied that they aren’t going to kick off again, I move away from them and head back behind the bar, taking my safe space behind the oak. Then I hear Mac’s annoying drawl again, “So when you going to let me fuck you again, Luna?”

Swiftly, I spin around and hope to all that’s holy my father didn’t hear that as I meet Mac’s eyes and sit my hand on my hip, cocking it in attitude and making a statement, “Erm, how about never. So why don’t you go fuck yourself?”

“Well, if I did that, I wouldn’t need bitches like you.”

I bristle with contempt. How fucking dare he. Without thinking, I round the end of the bar and start for him, glancing at Reaper as I push through the guys crowding the bar. Before I’ve even realized it, I’ve drawn my hand back and it’s connecting with his face. It’s so hard, the impact has his head snapping to the side.

“Don’t ever speak to me like that again.” I grit out, shaking my hand. It’s stinging like a bitch, but still, he laughs. Heads turn our way but I ignore them and move away through the parted crowd. Reaper stays close behind me until we reach the end of the bar again.

“I’m going to fuck him up. It’s a good job Chains had already gone.” Reaper looks ready to kill. Ugh. I can’t have him in my head as well, but he’s right, Chains would have started a brawl to defend my honor. As much as I don’t want to believe that he would. Locking my eyes with Reaper, I don’t comment, instead I go back behind the bar.

“That’s no way to speak to a lady.” A familiar southern accent gets my attention, albeit a little deeper, and gruffer, but it makes me turn towards the voice nonetheless and my mouth pops open. “I mean it’s no wonder you can’t get a woman.”

“Liam?” I step closer frowning as I question myself. He smiles wide and takes his sunglasses off. “I knew it was you.” His blue eyes shine against the blonde of his long hair and sun-kissed skin.

“You know Luna?” Mac asks, a hint of confusion creases his forehead as he frowns.

“Fuck yeah,” Liam answers Mac as I rush from behind the bar. He sweeps me into his arms and hugs me tight. I step out of his embrace in fear of being squashed. “We were friends in high school.”

From my side eye, I see Reaper lean back against the bar and fold his arms across his body to watch Liam. I ignore him for now and focus on Liam. “I thought you said you’d never come back here?”

“Yeah, well, sometimes needs are a must, and I have to go where the work is.” He slings an arm around my shoulders, “So how about a beer for your long-time friend.”

I glance up and smile, “God, of course. Gimme a minute.” I release him, not quite believing that one of my oldest friends is back in town and grab a beer from the fridge. Quickly screwing off the cap, I slide it toward him as he perches himself on a stool. “This one’s on me.”

He winks, “You’ve done well for yourself, Luna,” he says as he looks around my bar, “but then I always knew you would.” He returns his gaze to me and grins again as I pass him his beer.

“Aw, thank you.” I bend at my waist and lean my arms on the bar. I can’t believe he’s back here. A thud on the bar comes from the side of me and makes us both turn our heads.

“You not gonna introduce me to your friend, Lune?” Reaper pipes up and slides his empty bottle across to me. I take it from him and throw it in the trash for the glass before I grab him another. He takes it from me with a wink and screws the cap off himself.

“Liam Roberts, this is Reaper. He’s VP of Brothers of Sin. Reaper…” I point at Liam, pausing, “This is Liam, a friend.” Reaper lifts his chin in acknowledgement before taking a long pull from his beer.