Page 14 of Saving Chains

“Country. No one calls me by my first name.”

“Just Luna then?” Reaper adds, grinning.

“Yeah, we’ve known each other for a long time.”

“Come on, man,” Mac slaps the back of Liam’s shoulder, “I’ll introduce you to some of the guys.”

He nods to Mac and turns back to me, “Keep my seat warm, I'll be back.”

“So, what’s his story?” Reaper asks as he watches him navigate his way through the bar.

“I haven’t seen him since before we left high school. His mom and dad were killed, then his aunty claimed him as her responsibility as he still wasn’t eighteen. She moved him out of town, and I never saw him again, but he really hasn’t changed.”

Reaper turns around and places his back against the bar, pushing his elbows back to rest on the top. He leaves his bottle to dangle from between his fingers. “How the fuck does he know Mac?”

“I have no idea.” I shake my head. Reaper has that look in his eye. The role of a protector. Shit, if Reaper is like this, I can’t wait for Chains to meet him. Maybe he won’t be in town long enough to even meet Chains. I guess I can hope.

As the evening goes on most of the brothers of Sin leave, including my father. I shouldn’t be surprised; the attention isn’t on him. I watched on as he left a while ago, with sluts clutching each arm. All that’s left now is Reaper, a couple of the other guys and a very drunken Mac. Liam is laughing at him as he tries to hold his head up, and it lolls all over the place.

“It’s time he left.” I do my rounds of the bar, grabbing the empties. Mac switched to Tequila hours ago and is being more than his normal obnoxious self. I fill my arm with bottles and collect the glasses with my fingers on my free hand. As I turn to leave Mac’s table, he slaps my ass. I whip back around; I swear if my hands weren’t full… “Keep your fucking hands to yourself, Mac.” I move out of reach and turn to Liam. “Do me a favor and get him out of here. And if you can’t do me the favor then do it for him, because believe me, if he keeps touching me like that, I’m gonna cut off his balls and shove them in his fucking mouth.”

A booming laugh falls from Liam’s lips, and he nods, “Same old Luna.” He knocks his whiskey back in one gulp and bangs the glass down.

“I’ll grab you a cab.”

“Thanks darlin’.”

I hear Liam call out to Mac. “Come on fuckhead, get up.” I free my hands of the bottles and glasses and slip out the back to order them a cab.

“Can you make sure he leaves please?” I ask Reaper and he gets up, nodding. I call time for the rest of the guys still drinking. I’m shattered. One by one, they drink up and leave, and I start my clean up.

The door opens a little while later, and Reaper comes back in. He necks his beer and starts lifting the stools onto the tables as I clean them. I should do all my cleaning but I’m way too tired for that.

I lean against the bar and sigh with relief that today is over. I need more staff. The only people in here today were the Brothers of Sin, and maybe a few other people I don’t know, but it got busy quickly. Reaper helped out when I got really busy but I need some real staff.

“I see you and Chains were talking today.”

“Talking? If you ask me, it was more like mocking each other.” I don’t want to talk about Chains. Nothing good ever comes from talking about him, or seeing him, or even thinking about him... I either get wound up angry or wound up wondering if we could ever be something more. Then I remember the past, my father’s warning, then I remember how thoughts of him woke me up this morning. “Come on, I’ve had enough for one day.” Doing what I do best, I change the subject. “I need a shower to get the smell of stale beer out of my hair.” I grab my purse and the bar keys and usher him out. Mac and Liam’s bikes sit over the far side of the compound I notice as I lock the door. I guess I’ll be seeing them at some point tomorrow when they collect them. Liam, I don’t mind seeing, but not Mac.

I turn to Reaper as he puts his helmet on and throws a leg over his Harley. “Thank you for being there today and helping me.” I kiss his cheek and smile.

“Anytime, sweetheart. You hardly need me to fight your battles, but you know I’ll always be here.”

“You’re a good man, Adam Taylor.” He smirks as I use his full name. Reaper is a good-looking man. His brown eyes look almost black against his olive skin and his strong, square jawline makes him seem a lot more serious than he is. His recent neck tattoo stands out but looks damn good. His tattoos are part of his character and make him seem scary to others, but he has a fantastic personality, I know one day he’ll make an amazing husband. I’ve known Reaper longer than I’ve known Levi. He’s just a great guy.

As he starts up his bike, he revs the engine a few times. I smile, looking over my shoulder at him, he nods cockily and Iunlock my little car. With my door open, I lift my hand in a small wave and get inside, starting the engine. Reaper waits for me to pull off first and follows me off the dusty parking lot. He follows behind me all the way back to my place before veering off along the road, probably heading back to the clubhouse.

I can't wait for a shower and to finally get into bed. The first thing on my to-do list for tomorrow is looking for staff.



Well, that was a waste of fucking time. A frustrated sigh leaves my lips as I walk out of the probation office. Don’t do this, Mr. Brown, don’t do that Mr. Brown. Don’t fucking breathe, Mr. Brown, or you’ll be carted off back to prison. I throw my leg over my bike and sit for a moment, lighting up a cig and letting the frustration seep from my pores with every deep inhale and release. My body sags with relief after dealing with the uptight prick in there. I push my hand through my long hair, that I still haven’t gotten around to getting cut, rake my fingernails across my scalp and bring my head back up again, take the elastic from my wrist, and tie my hair back before I put on my helmet and start up my bike. If I have to spend the rest of my suspended sentence going by the book, I may as well have stayed in fucking prison. Fuck this, I need a drink.

The engine rumbles and I dart off towards Luna's bar. As I leave the city, the road opens and all that’s between me and the bar is blue sky and miles of road. This is what I need, this and to see Luna; she’s constantly in my thoughts. Mac’s comments are still swimming around my brain. I want to find out what he meant. If that fucker has touched Luna, I may just fucking kill him.

As the bar comes into focus ahead, I squeeze the brake and slow down to pull onto the parking lot. With the engine turned off, I get off and hang my helmet on the handlebars and look around me. I don’t see many bikes or cars for that matter, it must be quiet. I step through the open door and see Mac and Frisco, one of the newer prospects. He’s been with the club about six months, so Reaper told me on one of his visits. He seems an alright kind of guy, I haven’t had much to do with him yet.