Page 12 of Saving Chains

Her cute little nose screws up, “You’re an asshole.”

I wink in return and turn around, placing my back at the bar to enjoy my beer, only to come face to face with Pres. If the scowl on his face is anything to go by, I’d say he’s just seen our little exchange. Shaking my head, I turn back around.

“I’ve always said your brains were in your balls.” Reaper adds quietly.

“That's why they’re so big.” I cup them in my hand and squeeze lightly. If they get any heavier, they’ll be by my knees.

“Ugh, you're disgusting.” Luna adds as she looks past me as some different guys walk in. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have more distinguished guests to tend to.” I turn around again and watch them take the table in the corner. I don’t know them, I've never seen them before, but I have been in the joint. I’m sure there are lots of people I’ve never met. Probably just passing through. She takes the little pad and a pen from the side and struts over, giving her ass an extra sway.

“Cocktease.” I mumble. She’s the wrong side of the bar to say that too loudly.

She’s all smiles and giggles at the guy’s jokes, it’s almost sickening. Even I don’t get honored with a smile, and I took her virginity. Or maybe that’s why I don’t get fuck all from her. She nods at the guys, tears the order from the pad and starts back this way. Picking up my bottle, I drain the last of my beer and leave the empty on the bar. “I have to go, before Pres burns holes in my skull for attempting to talk to Luna.”

“You’re gonna have to sort this shit out, Chains.” Reaper says in between gulps of his beer.

“Why should I, man? He can come to me. I’ll do what he asks where the club is concerned but anything else, that mother can get fucked.” I slap his arm and go to leave.

“It’d be a more comfortable place if you kissed and made up.”

Luna brushes past me to make drinks, and her scent hits me hard.

I sigh, watching Luna, then glance back at the hard stare of Pres, “Not fucking happening, dude.”

When an arm drapes around my shoulder, I turn my head to see who’s on the end of it and see it belongs to Mac. I don’t know Mac well; I just know I don’t like the fucker. He joined not long after I was locked up. Reaper kept me in the loop, and so did Popeye. He came along for the ride to the joint once. Something about him, though, had me on edge then and has me on edge now. I don’t trust him. I’m a good judge of character, and my instinct rarely lets me down.

“Mac?” I pose his name as a question with a scowl twisting my face. Why the fuck is he talking to me for one, and for two, why the fuck is his arm around me. I shrug his arm from my shoulder, his arm drops and I move away.

“Little Luna’s done well for herself, ain’t she?”

Leaning forward, I look around Mac to eye Reaper just enough to see Reaper's face. I frown even harder as my head shakes in disbelief. Even Luna frowns.

“Her name is Luna. Not little Luna.” Patronizing sack of shit. Mac is one of those guys, those assholes that thinks he’s God’s gift to women. I mean, we all do in one respect, but at least we know our flaws; he doesn’t think he has any. Prick.

He leans on the counter and stares at Luna.

“What can I get ya, Mac?” Luna asks politely.

“To take you out again.”

Well, if anything is going to make me stop and listen that will. “What’d you say?” I ask, unable to help the scowl that’s currently twisting my features.

“I was talking to Luna.” Mac replies, his gaze doesn’t shift from her, but I don’t like how he looks at her and my hackles rise, but just for now, I push them down.

“I fucking know you were talking to Luna; I want to know what you meant by ‘again’.”

“Come on Mac, I think you’ve had too much to drink, maybe you should go home.” Luna tells him softly.

As I watch their exchange, I realize that’s probably how Pres watches me, but I don’t care. Mac is supposed to be part of the club, one of my brothers. Brothers don’t stab each other in the back. Reaper sees the look on my face and tries to get Mac to shut up.

“Mac. It’s time to leave, brother.” Reaper orders.

“Fuck that. Who are you, my fucking mom?”

Reaper turns to square up to Mac, “Dude, don’t fucking push it. Now leave Luna be, and go fucking home. I won’t tell you again.”

I watch the exchange between the two, while Luna looks between us all. Something is going on; she’s tense, nervous maybe…I can’t quite put my finger on it. Not after being out of the loop for so long.

“You better go. I got this.” Reaper knows I’m seeing my parole officer tomorrow, so I need to keep a clean slate. For now, anyway.