Page 11 of Glitch

“Um, Mallory? Are you going to eat those or suck them off? If that’s how you looked at baby daddy, then I can see how you ended up with those babies in you.” Shock winks and blows her kisses while Dice flips her off.

“Let me enjoy this before I puke it up.” Eww.

I turn to Sparrow who’s been very quiet through the whole exchange.

“Have you told your folks yet?” Ah, there it is.

Ever the responsible one of the group. Mallory nods and then shrugs while she chews.

“I told mom. Does that count? I can’t tell Dad over the phone. He’ll have a coronary.” Shock points at her and nods.

“Scull will kill you if Chaos drops on his watch.” I chuckle, trying to picture that big lug laid out, hoping someone can lift him.

“Well, you can’t keep it a secret much longer. You’re already showing.” Sparrow points at her tits, then her stomach.

Mallory drops her fork and covers her mouth before rushing towards the bathrooms.

“Good job, genius. She didn’t need to hear that right now.” Shock slaps Sparrow with her napkin and then goes after Dice.

“Now, moving on to you.” Oh fuck.

“Who pissed in your cheerios today?” I down my second flute.

“Malachi,” She sighs.

“What about him?” She rolls her eyes.

“Apparently he drank from the same water cooler Mallory did. He wants a baby.”

Guess it’s going around.



I pull up in front of Lacey’s house and sit outside for a moment, looking at the cute little cottage-style house. The grass is green, the flower boxes in the window are in full bloom, and I can picture a few kids running around this yard chasing a dog.

I see Makayla’s electric car parked next to Lacey’s Harley and frown.

I know they say opposites attract, but you need to have something in common. Every single time I see these women together, I wonder what it could possibly be.

From my outsider observation, Makayla has been trying to change Lacey into what she wants while Lacey tries desperately to meet her halfway. Problem is Makayla isn’t a halfway type of woman. I sigh and push my kick stand down.

I was surprised as hell when I saw the text message Lacey sent me this morning.

Could you meet us for lunch today? I told Makayla about you offering to donate and she wants to discuss options.

At first, I was mad because the offer was for Lacey alone, but of course, she didn’t realize that. Then, I calmed down and thought it through rationally. I was an idiot for offering, and there was no way I was backing out now. So here I stand at their front door, holding my hat to my chest and pushing the doorbell.

“Hey, Kooper, thanks for coming over. Come on in,” Lacey waves me into the house, and I nod at her.

“Pleasure’s all mine, Darlin’.” I hang my hat on the coat rack and follow her into the kitchen, where Makayla is pulling out biscuits from the oven.

“Well, ya didn’t have to bribe me. I already offered,” I wink at her, but she just looks at Lacey with a weird little smile on her face.

“He means the food.” I raise an eyebrow when she explains my words.

Does she not understand English?