Page 39 of Glitch

“Baby, don’t cry. We’re going to get them back,” he says, and I can hear the conviction in his voice.

“Ollie, safe our daughters. I’m sorry I never told you.” She cries, and I curse.

It takes Blaze a few tries to answer her.

“I promise. I’ll call you when I have them.” He hangs up and starts to beat the steering wheel with his fist.

“I’ll leave the congratulations for your funeral. Turn right here.” Abel says, pointing out his window.

The truck jerks and throws gravel up, making the wheels spin out of control as Blaze guns the gas to get us to the airport faster.

“They landed. Cowboy, get your old man on the phone.” I pull out my phone and dial Dad.

“Boy, I’m busy. Got a quarter mile of fence to replace before we can switch pastures.” He grunts in my ear.

“Put him on speaker,” Abel calls over to me.

I do as I’m told, and Abel reaches for my phone.

“Fred, that you?” Abel asks my Dad, who laughs.

“Brooks, you fucker. How ya been?” They know each other?

“Been better. You haven’t seen a helicopter over your ranch, have you?” What the fuck?

When he said Houston I didn’t think he meant my family land. Texas is huge. What are the chances of this being a fucked coincidence?

“Matter of fact I have. About five minutes ago. Buzzed my head I thought it was going to land in the west pasture but kept going over to the new golf course on the other side of my property.” Abel nods looking at me.

“Happen to know who owns it?” Dad grunts again.

“Some shell corp, I reckon’. What’s going on over there, boys?” I smile at my dad’s suspicious nature coming through the phone.

When you raise nine boys you get good at telling when there’s trouble coming.

“How many of your boys at he ranch today? I’m calling in that favor.” My dad owes Abel a favor?

“All them? You think I run this place alone?” He laughs.

“Have them head over to the golf course. They’re looking for two women with newborn girls. Under no circumstances are they to leave with them babies.” Abel says carefully.

“Whose are they?” Dad may just be a simple rancher, but he ain’t stupid.

“Ours.” Is all the Abel says and it’s enough.

“We need to be armed?” Abel chuckles.

“Hell, it’s Texas. I thought you showered with your guns.” My dad curses him out through his laughter.

“Let me have a word with my boy, and then I’ll get others over there.” Abel hands me the phone back, and I take it off speaker.

“Kooper, this ain’t me grandchild I’m going after, is it?” I close my eyes, and thank god it’s not.

“No, sir.” He curses and sighs.

“Two?” He clarifies.

“Yes, and they’re brand new. Less than five hours. Might want to have mom ready.” He hangs up, and I’m sure he’s calling my brothers, but I fail my sister.