Page 40 of Glitch

“Hey, big bro.” I smile slightly.

“Are you at work?” She’s a neonatal nurse.

“No, just left. Why?” Her voice fills with concern.

“I need you to head to the ranch. Mallory’s babies have been taken. They’re only a few hours old.” She gasps.

“I saw the amber alert come across before I clocked out.” I hear her car rev hard, and I know she’s rushing now.

“Thanks, sis. See you soon.” I hang up and meet Blaze’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

“Ma had two sets of twins, and my sister is on her way.” He stops the truck outside the club hanger, and we all pile out.

Seer and Jester are in the helicopter, ready to take off. We jog over and get inside, placing our headphones so we can hear each other.

“Flight time fifty minutes,” Jester says and we strap in while he gets us in the air.

It’s the longest flight of my life and I can’t help feeling worse for Blaze.

He looks ready to jump out and run to his kids. He must be going out of his mind. I can’t imagine how he feels, from only being suspicious of himself being the father to it being confirmed while trying to save them.

I watch the man in question closely for any sign he’s ready to explode.

Wolf and Seer are both doing the same thing, just not as often as I am. Wolf has kids and knows how this might feel. Seer has no clue and even I can’t say I do since my little boy isn’t her yet.

I think back to the note Abel gave me.

It’s a deed to a piece of land at the compound he’s developing for the family on the Reno club. It’s in the name of Baby Boy Justice. He’s ensuring the future of the club has a place to call home always.

We’re having a son.




It’s been hours.

My contractions have stopped, but they want to keep me for observation. I agreed as long as I was put in a room with Mallory. Her blood pressure started to spike, so Doc had to wake her, and it was just like he predicted.

She was inconsolable.

She’s high on Xanax, trying and failing to keep her calm. She fell asleep crying again in he father’s arms. Charlie is asleep, leaning her head on the bed by her daughter.

Tobias is wide awake, fuming.

But he holds his little girl like she’s the most precious thing in the world. Her brothers are standing guard at the door like sentinels, ready to die to protect the sister they almost lost hours ago.

If Doc hadn’t attacked so quickly, she may have bled out.

He’s asleep in a chair, and Shock is acting like his pillow. She’s watching my laptop for me since I’m not allowed to stress. Her eyebrows are scrunched up.

“What?” I whisper so I don’t wake anyone.

“The Amber alert has been canceled.” I reach for my laptop, but she moves it out of my reach.

“Abel is there. They’ll call with news. But that’s a good sign, right?” She looks at me, but without more information, I can’t answer her.