Page 34 of Glitch

‘What?” I’m suspicious instantly.

“Pandora’s Box.” He slaps it on Kooper’s chest and walks away.

“Throw that away. Do not take the bait!” I yell as Kooper opens the envelope.

“Mama would kill me for being so disrespectful of a gift.” I sigh.

“Not all gifts are good, Kooper. What is it.” He tucks the paper back inside and folds it in half, placing it in his back pocket.

“Nothing at all. We’ll talk about it later. Now we’re here for Dice. Come on.” He takes my hand again and we join the party.

Now that we have two new techs that I’ve been training for the last three months, we’re going to be staying in New Orleans until after the baby’s birth. Kooper’s mother will be driving in for a few weeks to help us.

Louisiana in spring is hot.

I swat at the bugs and fan myself with a napkin. Kooper frowns as he watches from across the courtyard, where he’s talking to Seer and Mayhem. Nova drops his ass next to me with an ice-cold bottle of water.

“You look like you need this.” I smile, take a few sips, and then spill some on my neck to cool down.

“Thank you. How’s life treating you?” He gives me a lopsided grin and shrugs.

“Same as always. Life is good. Business is fantastic, and sex still sells.” I roll my eyes at our very own gigolo.

“How is the brothel?” Nova just opened one in Reno and will be going back in forth between the clubs as well.

“Those girls know their shit, man. It was the single best investment the club should have made. It runs itself, basically. At this point, I could retire.” I nod at him.

He isn’t bragging more, expressing his astonishment.

“Funny how that works when you do things legally.” I elbowed him since the escort service he runs here in New Orleans isn’t up to par with the law.

“Ah, but that’s have the fun. No one offers the services we provide. I won’t be quoting that until I find the one.” I grunt.

“And how exactly will you explain all this to them?” Nova smiles.

“Truthfully. They love me for me, or they don’t.” I can see his point and I wish him luck finding the one.

I’m so fucking glad I did.

“Has he asked you yet?” Nova’s words make me turn away from staring at Kooper to look at him.

“Ask me what Maddox?” He pats my knee and stands.

“My work here is done. Now to go interrogate my sister on the whereabouts of the twin’s father.” He walks away without answering me.

Kooper takes his place and kisses my cheek.

“Did he upset you?” I frown.

“No. He implied you had something to ask me.” Kooper blushes, and I cover my mouth in shock.

Is he going to propose?



I’m going to kill Nova.