Page 33 of Glitch

“Eat. Justice babies are big.” Her eyes bug out.

“How big?” She puts a forkful of eggs into her mouth as, I think.

“I think Colton was the biggest at just over ten pounds.” The coffee she just sipped goes flying across the counter.

“Kooper! That isn’t a baby. That’s the Thanksgiving turkey.” I burst out laughing at her face.

“I can’t push a baby like that out of there.” I point at her plate.

“You sure can. Women have been doing it since the dawn of time without all these new rules doctors force on y’all. Now eat. I know a way to help you get ready for birth that we can start today.” She chews on her toast with a skeptical look in her eyes.

“It’s all about stretching. The vagina is just a muscle.” I take a sip of my own coffee while she thinks my words over.

“So what? Like yoga sex?” I smile.




Six Months Later

New Orleans

“I hate you.” I hiss as I fix my dress and make sure my makeup and hair are ok in the bathroom mirror.

“Why?” Kooper grins as he buckles his belt.

He washes his hands and then takes my hand before opening the door and seeing if the coast is clear.

“Nah, everyone heard. Now move, I’ve been holding it since Houston.” My eyes grow wide at Nova as he pushes past us to use the bathroom. Kooper just fucked me in.

“Nope, we can’t go in there.” I pull on his arm, and he laughs.

“Women are naturally more horny during pregnancy Lacey. No one is going to judge us.” He pulls me back in the direction of the baby shower.

“This is Mallory’s day, and I just ruined it!” I hiss at him, but he’s not letting me make my escape.

We came down to New Orleans for the big party.

We’ve been splitting our time between both the clubs since he hasn’t left my side since we saw the two pink lines on the pregnancy test.

I’m suffering into my seven months and ready to lose my mind at how horny I am all the time. Kooper’s cock has to be ready to quit. His poor tongue is strained. He panicked, thinking he had broken it. It was the most embarrassing thing in the world, having to explain why he couldn’t talk right at the clinic.

The fuckers high five’d.

“Hey, love birds. You do know she can’t get any more pregnant than she already is, right?” Abel slaps Koopers back, and I kick his shin.

“Behave!” He hops, rubbing the sore spot.

“You are violent with child.” He says while laughing at me.

“Dangerous, now go away. I’m on maternity leave, and I don’t wanna talk to you.” I cross my arms and shield my face with my hair, trying to hide my embarrassment.

“Going on get. Leave my old lady alone.” Kooper pushes him in the direction of his wife.

“But I have something for you.” He pulls an envelope out of his back pocket.