Page 43 of All I Want is You

“It’s the end of next week. Now, before you start telling me all the reasons why we can’t or shouldn’t go, let me tell you the reasons we should. I need this. I need to meet all of his donors and corporate sponsors. Some I know, yes, but if I can get face time, that would be better. Also, I was thinking we should bring Wes and Hayley along.”

“Viper, I don’t think we should interfere.”

“Look, they’re struggling. I think they’re struggling worse than we know. Don’t you think a change in atmosphere could be what they really need? I’m being honest with you. My spidey senses are up. Something’s really not right there, other than the obvious. I think a different place, different mindset, and an excuse to dress up could be what they both need. Wes is a born schmoozer. This event will be good for him too if there are potential new clients, managers, and agents around. Who could we speak with to make AnSa’s representation four people instead of two?”

“You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

“Nope.” She puts the sweetest emphasis on the p.

“I’ll take it to the source. I’ll call Sam when I get back to my office. I’m sure he won’t mind the extra opportunity to have his agent around for extra contract negotiations.”

“I’ll message Jill and tell her we’re looking at going. I know I won’t be dancing for a while, but she found something else she wants me to try.”

Her fingers are still working a gentle overtime on my neck. “What’s that, Viper? If it’s being a physical therapist to your fellow dancers, you’re booked out with me.”

“No,” Dylan giggles. “She mentioned while I’m sidelined, maybe it might be a good time to pass on things that I’ve learned. She wants me to choreograph and instruct.”

Dylan’s chin lowers. I can feel the gentle rotation of the ankle below her struggling knee. I open my eyes to her fidgeting with the ring on my finger. “I know how I feel about that. How do you feel about it?”

“I don’t know. I mean, all the good choreographers have so much experience. Would they even respect me?”

“Okay, I’m going to talk to you as a mentee right now and not my wife. Can you handle that?”

“I can handle anything.”

“Yes, I’m aware. I’ll remind you, you said those words. Dylan, Jill is a superpower in her field, am I right?”

“Yes. You know she is. She’s got a lead list longer than my arm. She’s won a Tony and an Emmy. She’s choreographed some of the most beloved and famous pieces in recent history. One of my dreams is to lead a piece that comes from her head.”

“All right. I’ve seen you two together. She looks at you as the next generation. I know she’s not quite in that lane yet, but I don’t know how else to depict it. She sees something in you, you clearly don’t see yourself. She’s asking you to learn from her without asking. She’s confident in your talent. Trust her judgment if you don’t trust your abilities.”

“I don’t want to disappoint her.”

“The only way you could do that is if you don’t try. I think this is an amazing idea. Don’t pass on it out of fear and self-doubt. You’d be doing yourself a disservice.”

“I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll think about it while we’re in Seattle.”

I sigh and rest my forehead on hers. “Remind me to always have you on a negotiations team.”

“I love you too.” She giggles.


After agreeing to go to the grocery store to fill up the place, when I’m done unpacking everything, Hayley emerges from a hot bubble bath I drew for her. Her hair cascades in damp waves around her face and down her back. She’s wearing the Atlanta Braves sweatshirt I got for her. The buyer had a ton of prototypes and this one just seemed to be her. I liked the over-the-top stitching and the blend of the navy and red. It hangs long on her body over her capri leggings and she has to roll the sleeves a couple of times.

“You look comfortable. How does it fit?”

“It’s just a little big, which is fine. It’s really soft. Thank you.”

“So I decided no more ordering in. We’re going to cook together. How’s that sound?”

“Sure. What are you hungry for?”

“I want to give you what you’re hungry for. There wasn’t much in here. Were you catching bites with your parents and friends?”

“Sometimes, yes. Other times, no.”

“Well then, I can tell the less eating out the better.”