Page 44 of All I Want is You

“Something warm. Maybe soup? I’m not very creative with it lately.”

“Hey, soup I can do until a better idea strikes. I bought your fish crackers. Tomato?”


Sure. Hayley’s so flat and agreeable. Where’s the girl who would dominate a room by walking into it? Where’s the girl who bowled me right over when I wasn’t looking?

“Do you feel alright?”

“I’m good. I just…”

“You’re just what?” I ask.

“I’m waiting for all of this to go away.” She shrugs. “That’s what I’ve learned. You come home for a few days and shower me with gifts, affection, a few laughs, then you disappear. I’m waiting for the punchline.”

“Baby, I’m not going to disappear. I told you I’m here.”

“I know, but you’ve said that before too. This feels like a track on repeat.”

Before I can respond, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Hayley’s face falls until I tell her who it is with a smile. “It’s your brother. He’s telling us to pack a bag because we leave a week from today for an extra-long weekend in Seattle. My client Sam Roark is doing this charity thing. He said it’s already covered with your boss. Babe, this is what we need.”

Her face begins to soften as the possibilities begin to grow. “I haven’t been to the Pacific Northwest in a while. Really? You think you can go?”

“I’ll mingle and schmooze since there will be possibilities. You know me, but no meetings. I promise.”

“What about your…commitments?”

“I can manage without taking time from our vacation. We haven’t been anywhere since Vermont. We weren’t even official yet. This would be our first. Are you going to make me beg?”

Her smile gets a little wider. “That would be a switch. Maybe I should.”

I match her smile as I get on my knees, walking over to her on them. I can feel a crack and creak with each shuffle her direction. “Please, Merlin. Please?” I fold my hands under my chin until she erupts in the first real laugh I’ve heard from her in days, maybe even weeks.

She cups my face with her petite hands as I press my lips to where her chest meets her torso. Hayley starts to massage my scalp gently with her fingertips. My head presses tighter against her body as I turn my cheek. I wrap my hands around the back of her legs and hold on.

The smell of her clean from the tub is overpowering. The floral of the bubbles mixing with the vanilla sugar of her hair stirs something in me. I start to shower her with kisses, one right after the other, over her body. I use my size to my advantage to tip Hayley off balance right into my hands.

I lower her gently to the floor. As she looks up at me, I tease my way up her thighs to her waistband and pull those leggings off. Her skin is so soft and pale. The hint of pink matches the color of her lips. Hayley reaches up, hooking her index fingers in the waistband of my gray sweatpants, tugging toward her.

As I fall forward, I push my pants down enough so our first touch is my already aching cock pressing against its perfect resting place. I lower to my elbows on either side of her beautiful face. My fingers smooth away a few baby hairs from her forehead before I trace the outline of her lips and slide deep inside her.

She gasps just inches away from my skin. I leave my thumb in the small gap it leaves. Hayley lets her tongue slide slowly across it until the end when her mouth encapsulates me. The harder she suckles, the harder I hold myself inside her.

My biceps shake as I roll first in one direction then back again. Hayley whimpers slightly as she takes two fistfuls of my T-shirt in her hands as she tries to move with me. My thighs give me executed balance and friction as I desperately try to move as slow as possible.

The blazing connection is hard to maintain. I’ve fantasized about being with her this way, raw and passionate on the floor. When we got here, that didn’t feel right. What does is this. She needs this. I need this. This pure, unexpected, raw moment where the entire world falls away until we shatter it back to reality.


Chapter Twelve


Knowing how hard it would be for Dylan to travel right now, we hired a plane for us out of Teterboro. The flight is early. Damn early. We’re going to be landing about ten in the morning and hit the ground running. All four of us are awake and excited until we hit cruising altitude then one by one, we all hit the wall.

Hayley’s asleep first. Her eyes look so dark around the edges. I shouldn’t ask why, but I get a strange feeling about it. Her head is resting in Wes’s lap. He strokes her hair for a long time. How she’s sleeping right now reminds me of the little girl I used to rock to sleep. Wes seems to be content with the movement of his hand through her hair. He grabs the folded blanket on the bench behind them and covers her carefully.

The man I would see work an entire cross-country flight hasn’t even checked his phone once or even set his laptop up with Wi-Fi. I’d ask what the deal is, but as the look on his face grows less present the longer he’s consoling Hayley, I think better of it. I recline my seat back to match Dylan’s and raise the arm between us. Even in her sleep she finds me. I adjust the makeshift prop for her knee when I can feel her tense. Then she immediately relaxes.