Page 16 of All I Want is You

Dylan’s hands grip around my shoulder blades while I press my lips to the soft skin at the base of her neck over and over again. Her bra straps slide so easily to the sides, either with a quick brush of my fingers or my lips. Her pointed toes slip up and down the outside of my knees. Her knees pulse on my hips.

I push her body back in my hands until I’m hovering over her. The arch of her back begins at her neck. It raises her beautiful breasts into my chest. The touch of the lace on my skin sends chills down my back and a sigh from my lips.

Dylan’s arms drop slowly from around me to rest with her palms up, dragging along the tabletop as I pull her in and back again to kiss whatever piece of her skin I desire. She reaches in between us and begins opening the buckle of my belt. Her hands are slow and calculated, even though I can feel she’s coming undone inside.

Her fingers undo my button and zipper with precision. The freedom she’s just allowed me sets my burn to high. I gently rest her on her elbows to give my hands the glorious opportunity of seeing if the lace on the bottom matches the lace on the top.

My hands go into hiding underneath her skirt to make an amazing discovery. “Are you fucking telling me that the key to the castle door has been wide open all day long?”

“Looks like your birthday came early, Goose.”

I growl, “Fuck yes it did.”

Savagely, I devour her lips as Dylan holds me close. Her skirt is no match as my wrapping paper. I slide the fabric up to the apex of her thighs while I tease her gently. “Don’t. Take. Your. Time. Take. Your. Fantasy.”

I take a breath big enough, as if I’m taking a dive underwater, and plunge inside my wife. Dylan makes a noise I’ve never heard before as her knees rise into my rib cage. Her head drops back as I bring us into a rhythm. She licks her lips, utters little groans, and once in a while gives me her eyes.

When she does, those eyes bring a fire that could keep me warm for the rest of my life. “Dylan. Look at me.”

At that moment, I don’t even recognize my own voice. It’s an order, not a plea, and I think she knows it. As she focuses on me, my request, she gives me a little smile. When she called this a fantasy, she was right.

Our pace becomes frantic as we fractionally separate and connect. Dylan pulls herself up, clinging around my neck. I can feel the peak coming before I realize it. She does too. Just before I’m ready to dive over the edge, she whispers something very dirty in my ear. It’s the last straw. I drive hard into her twice more before we come together and our echoes fill the room.

As I try to regain my breath, and if I’m honest, not pass out, I rest my forehead on her very pink chest. I let my tongue and lips travel along the line of lace as Dylan goes from limp to gripping her body around me tight while we’re still connected.

“I’ve never heard you say something like that before.”

“I was waiting for the right place, right time. I meant it too.”

“You make me do things I never thought possible, Dylan.”

“Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you.”

Chapter Five


Wes has been so great all week. He took such good care of me last weekend when I wasn’t at my best. He didn’t complain or anything even once. I know that’s what partners do for each other, but I want to do something nice for him.

When I’ve been already in bed for an hour, I’ll wake up just enough to hear him typing on his computer or talking softly on the phone. He’s working so hard right now. Part of it’s the job. I know that too. However, I can see him being pulled in a million directions. For me, that would get beyond tough after a while.

I’m wrapping up my day at work when an idea comes to me. I make a couple of phone calls and leave one text for him.

Hayley: Hey! Be home by six. We have plans tonight. Not the going out kind. Xo

One of my roommate’s older brothers is an executive chef at a Jamaican infused Asian place in Midtown. We’ve talked about going there, but since that might be a while, I thought I’d swing by and get it for a picnic at home. The apartment was kind of a wreck when we whirled in and out this morning, so I quickly cleaned it up and found something to use as a tablecloth on the coffee table.

The air outside is so perfect, I leave both sets of balcony doors open to let the breeze rush in. I place a couple of candles around to complement the fresh air, then I take a five-minute shower.

My hair was a wash and wear this morning anyway because, well… mornings are amazing with Wes. The steam from the shower has brought back the waves that fell away with the day. I slip on the tangerine dress that I wore the night we slept, and not slept, under the stars.

Instead of eating out of the containers like we always do, I set them up on plates and try to make them look like they would in the restaurant. My mother would be proud that even with being on a coffee table, it’s still set properly with wine and water glasses.

I look down at my phone. Wes responded with a simple smiley face. I check the time. It’s two minutes after six. He should be home any minute. I’ve got the food in the warmer. All I have to do is get him settled then serve. I rest my head back against the row of pillows along the back of the couch and wait.

The next thing I feel is a kiss on my cheek.

When I look around, the sun that was high in the sky a moment ago is tucked behind the buildings. The air that was warm and vibrant, has now cooled. “Hey, baby. You didn’t respond to my text. I’m so sorry I’m late.”