Page 15 of All I Want is You

Dylan pushes her chair back to stand up. She first rolls out her neck then slowly stretches her calves. “It’s weird being here without the noise from the staff. It’s nearly creepy.”

“I like it. I like the freedom it gives. I don’t have to be buttoned up like I do during the week. I’ll sometimes play music or do a push-up break. That and the beautiful silence is what I need.”

“We’re so different. I thrive in chaos. Sometimes the silence is scary.”

“Are you ready to start discussing ALITE?”

“I know what I’m supposed to do and say. I know what the vision is. It’s just she makes me so mad. When I get mad, I get flustered, when I get flustered I do stupid things like go off on her.”

“Dylan, I don’t think challenging her is stupid. I do think she’s farther under your skin than you intended, which makes you say things you might not otherwise.”

“I do think there’s something there, Eli. She may not be interested in you, but I swear there is something.”

“Okay, enough about her. Let’s refocus on the work. Have I told you lately how fucking proud I am of you? Seriously, anyone with this much on their plate at once should be curled up in the corner sipping on Fireball. You seem to thrive the more things you have. I admire that so much.”

“It helps I have a creative outlet, even though the creative side is part of the work. Making sure I have the rehearsal time I need is my saving grace.”

“And here I was thinking it was the stellar support and company of your husband that’s getting you through.”

Dylan giggles. “It’s that too. What Elyse hinted about you feeling neglected…that isn’t true, is it?”

“She didn’t say it like that, did she?”

“No, but that’s how I heard it. We’re fine, right?”

I set our food down on the far end of the table before I turn toward her. “We’re more than fine, Viper.” I drag my knuckles softly down her cheek. “Don’t let anyone tell you how we are. Just ask me.”

“I know Tori made her work the most important. I don’t ever want you to feel like that again.”

“Viper, I know we’re in this together. I haven’t spent one second doubting that.” I lean in and kiss her forehead. “Holy God. Is that a new perfume?”

“It is. Do you like it?”

“God, yes. It’s like a spice cabinet exploded in a flower bed. The heavy tones on your skin… was this a calculated play?”

“What if it was? I thought you swore you’d never do anything in the office, ever.”

“I guess I should learn one thing with you. Never say never, Dylan.”

I back my gorgeous wife up into the mahogany of the conference table. The edge hits right at the top of the most perfectly rounded ass in the history of man. Dylan’s hands reflexively cup the curved rail. She takes a stuttered breath.

“Are you suggesting we play before we finish our work?”

I take a strawberry in my fingers, my peripheral vision being my guide. My head falls slightly left as I stare into her eyes with a silent dare. “All work and no play makes for very dull days.” I slide the point of the berry across her plump lower lip. “Are we dull, Viper?”

She proudly takes a seductive bite. “That word doesn’t even exist in our vocabulary.” Dylan carefully licks her full lips and leans into mine. I allow myself to get within a fraction of touching her before I grip her hips, lifting her to sit on the tabletop.

Dylan’s bare feet begin a slow swing between my legs. “You’re breaking all the rules with me, aren’t you?” she asks.

My hands slide up the tops of her thighs, taking her skirt up along with them. “I told you what would happen if you wore that skirt today.”

“What if someone catches us?”

“Is that what you’re really focusing on right now? The work crew won’t be here until tonight. Dad and Pops are on the golf course. We’re completely alone.” I lean in to place a kiss in the center of her chest. “And… just because I said I’d never do this doesn’t mean I didn’t have it planned out in my head. I get to give you something that’s my first. Fuck.”

I dive in for her body. I wrap my hands around her neck and press my core hard against hers. She easily slides her hands inside my jacket, quickly pressuring me to drop my hands so she can drop it to the floor. Our lips never leave each other as she fumbles with the buttons on my shirt, and I attempt to pull the silk free from around her waist.

The heat radiates off me as the cool air of the room hits my skin. Dylan shoves my shirt to the floor, alongside my jacket, seconds before I pull her top off over her head. Along with it comes that offending pencil that’s been holding her hair hostage from me. With one swipe, I can see the pale pink lace bralette she’s been hiding as her thick blonde waves fall all around her back over her skin.