Page 49 of Ariel's Ruin

I swallow hard. “Also, Karma, this lady rider told me Joker’s club is camped at some bunker a couple of miles outside of town… “

“We know about that place,” Hawk says when I pause. “Can’t get close to it without getting shot at. Are you saying Lost Sons MC is in there?”

I shrug. “Karma seemed to think so.”

“And who’s she? Credible?” Cross asks, but the question is meant for Hawk.

“She’s with Forsaken Outlaws MC. They weren’t on my radar, I admit. As far as I can tell they just ride around like a bunch of nomads, mainly because they’re all on the run from the law in one way or another. They stay out of other MCs' business.”

“She asked about Unholy,” I tell them, since I might as well just get everything out on the table now. “He used to ride with them. I told her he’s with Rogue Angels MC now.”

Cross looks at me sharply. “We don’t give out that kind of information.”

“She gave me solid info in exchange,” I say. “And it didn’t sound like she was trying to get into our business.”

“We trust no one,” Ice snaps, speaking to me like I’m a kid that he has to set straight. He’d quit doing that a while back, once he realized it wasn’t his place to try and school me anymore. I’m not happy he’s reverted to it. But nothing good’s gonna come out of me arguing with him now.

“So you’re saying that you’re making inroads with Joker and The Lost Sons?” Cross says. “And getting closer to finding out if Bane, Archer or Fossil are ratting us out?”

“I guess,” I say.

“And to answer your other worry,” Cross adds. “Yes, the job is crucial and yes, Joker is getting set up to take over the war against us. We did him a favor killing off most of the leadership, because now he’s gonna be the only one in charge.”

“That loser?” I can’t help but blurt out. “He’s over there reading women’s books and wasting his time on drinking and endless card games. He can barely lead his own self to the toilet.”

“He’s not as incompetent as he appears,” Hawk says. “He went from nothing to heading an MC where every member is willing to die for him, no questions asked. I underestimated him too. I hope the price for that doesn’t end up being too high.”

“Because he hates us worse than most,” Cross says.

I have no idea what’s going on, but I know I better keep my mouth shut. Ice’s face is dark with pent up anger.

“We gotta stop with this remorsefulness shit, or we’re just gonna end up burying our women and children,” Ice mutters. He makes a good point. But I see Hunter’s and Cross’ point too. The killing won’t end until someone ends it. We could be that someone.

“What happened, happened and now we gotta finish what we started,” Ice adds. “No way to go back and change it now.”

“Change what?” I say, despite my best intentions to keep quiet.

No one’s in any hurry to answer. But then Ice groans and looks at me.

“About twenty-five years ago, when we were fighting Satan’s Spawn MC, we killed a guy and his wife,” Ice says. “In front of their kid.”

The Devils always avoided killing women, but fact is, we’re in this war now, because all the men they killed had kids and loved ones that are now out for revenge. I’m still not seeing the connection to the mistake Ice just told me about.

“And that kid is Joker,” Cross says darkly. “The Lost Sons are other guys we orphaned over the years. We didn’t spot it before, because they’ve been lying low and biding their time until they were strong enough to come at us. And that time is now. So we need you to become good friends with him.”

Oh, shit.

That’s the only thought going through my mind. And it doesn’t even come close to describing the mess I made of the situation.

“What did you do?” Ice asks me, probably noticing all that in my face. He was like a father to me for a while, so it makes sense that he’d know.

“I might’ve almost killed him last night for talking shit about my girlfriend,” I say, figuring it was time to come clean.

“What girlfriend?” Ice snaps, just as Cross says, “You did what?”

“I choked him some,” I say, deciding to answer Cross’ question first. “That’s how I know he has tons of back up shadowing him at that inn we’ve been staying at. They all rose to come to his rescue.”

I usually can’t read anything off Cross’ face, but right now I can. He’s very disappointed in me and ready to choke me too. He and Ice both seem to be.