“Go back there and make things right,” Cross says. “A thing like that can be a bonding experience between two idiots.”
“Or he’ll just get his revenge,” I mutter.
“Whatever comes first,” Ice says. “You had one fucking job to do, so do it.”
“I will,” I say, feeling very small.
“He won’t come against you,” Cross says. “He’s got bigger goals in mind. But if he does come for revenge, you finish him. You still know how to do that, right?”
I swallow hard and nod.
“Then he’s not a problem anymore either way,” Cross adds.
“I’ll head out there now,” I say. “And I won’t let you down again.”
He grunts, Ice nods and I leave. I have no idea if I can keep my promise, but I sure as hell mean to try. I’m done being a fuck up. And killing is still what I do best.
Nothing came of a sisters’ night out. Chance and all the others are back. Veronica valiantly insisted that she’d made plans with me and would just have to spend time with him later, but I couldn’t do that to her. Not now that I finally know what it’s like to feel so close to someone that being apart feels like a part of you is missing.
Because that’s exactly how I felt all day while Ruin wasn’t with me. I asked him to get me and take me wherever it was that he had to be, but he wouldn’t budge. He apologized a lot, said he’d see me as soon as he could, but just left me sitting alone in the guest house, which after the vast forest and open road of our rides felt suffocatingly tiny.
At about nine PM I couldn’t take it anymore, so I took a drive over to Eden’s bookstore, figuring she probably didn’t have anyone to hang out with either tonight, while everyone was reuniting with their better halves.
She’s locking up the bookstore as I park at the curb next to it, wearing a silver dress that shimmers in shades of gold under the yellow streetlight. She’s got riding boots on, exactly the kind I want, with intricate silver buckles that also glow gold. The plain leather riding jacket with a silver rose on the back completes her outfit and makes it look like she just walked from the pages of one of her romance novels, perfectly formed. I could never look this put together, no matter how hard I try. Eden and her twin sister Summer, with their dark hair, upturned eyes, and perfect features, have this timeless beauty about them that makes them appear larger than life all the time. Eden dresses it down most of the time, but not tonight.
“You got a hot date with your mystery man or something?” I ask as I step out of the car.
She turns to me sharply, surprised at suddenly hearing my voice come from the darkness. “Ummm… “
“You do, don’t you?” I say. “That’s great.”
Even in the dim light I can see how hard she’s blushing.
“He’s running late, though,” she says. “And I thought tonight was the night. But if he’s gonna leave me waiting like this, I’m not so sure.”
She’s smiling as she says it and I grin too.
“Oh, I think you’ll let him make it up to you,” I tease.
She giggles at that. “Yeah, I think you’re right. Come on, walk with me. I’m meeting him by Sunnyside Mall.”
That mall isn’t far from her bookstore, but still at the very edge of town.
“Sure, but what kind of gentleman is he making you walk there and not picking you up at home?” I ask as we start walking.
She shrugs, still grinning. “Between you and me, I don’t think he’s much of a gentleman. And I kinda hope he isn’t. But I’ll find out tonight.”
She giggles at that.
“Besides, it was my idea we meet there,” she says. “It’s closed now and there’s never anyone around after hours. I still don’t want anyone to know about us. My dad can be so overprotective. He’d never sanction me meeting a strange biker these days.”
That odd feeling of things not being totally right settles in the pit of my stomach again. This time, I shouldn’t just ignore it.
“Maybe that’s not such a bad thing in this case,” I say. “I mean, the MC’s at war and this guy just came out of nowhere… “