Page 95 of Secrets of Euphoria

I took three long strides toward him and pulled out a butterfly knife from my pocket. “I’m not going to fight you. I’m going to torture you.” Flipping it open with ease, I jabbed the sharp blade into the top of his thigh, causing him to let out an anguished groan.




To say rage was boiling inside me was an understatement. No amount of torture could satisfy me now. Seeing him ready to use his own innocent blood, and someone I loved as a bargaining chip, was enough for me. No more games. I was done.

My eyes locked in a deadly glare with his. The other guys gathered around us, ready to watch it all unfold. With a menacing grin, I marched over to the nearby table and picked up a pair of pliers, inspecting them with cruel amusement. I’ll save you for later. I set them back down, opting instead for a sharp blade before making my way back to Dante.

“Untie me or my family will—” he spat, struggling against his restraints.

With a quick flick of my wrist, I swiped the knife across his cheek, silencing him. “If you don’t shut the fuck up, I’m taking your tongue next!” I growled, relishing in the fear that now flashed in his eyes though he didn’t want me to know. I saw right through him, and I was going to break him down.

Circling him like a predator ready to strike, I carefully weighed my options until my eyes caught sight of the tattoo peeking out above his folded collar. Hate seethed through my pores as I glared at the beautiful cursive letters of Maddie’s name etched onto his neck, just inches away from his jugular. The name he didn’t deserve to wear. I had promised to cut it off him, and I intended to keep that promise... now.

“Nico,” I called out over my shoulder, and he appeared at my side. Without a word, he understood what I needed from him. I dipped my head toward Dante.

He stepped around him, holding his head in place to the side, fully exposing his neck. “This good?”

“Perfect.” My temper grew, and I could feel the knife in my hand practically vibrating with hope. As I stood in front of him, his eyes locked with mine in a defiant gaze. But I could see the flicker of uncertainty behind his façade. He knew what was coming. Inching the knife toward his throat, I lowered my gaze to meet him and saw the anger and fear burning in them. “You wear my daughter’s name on your neck,” I growled through gritted teeth.

“She’s not your daughter!” he spat back, struggling against Nico’s grip but unable to break free.

“Stay still,” I warned. “I’d hate to accidentally nick your jugular.”

His eyes widened in panic, and he did his best to lean away from me as I pinched the skin next to Maddie’s name. Placing the blade to the left of the M, I rolled my tongue over my bottom lip before forcefully piercing his flesh.

“Son of a bitch,” he snarled through clenched teeth, as a deep breath and groan escaped him.

“You’re much tougher than I thought you’d be.” With precise movements, I expertly cut through the layers of skin.

Finally, he couldn’t bear it any longer and let out a desperate scream. I took a step back, holding the knife up. “Do you need a break?” I arched a brow.

“Fuck you!”

Smirking, I took another step toward him. Grabbing the flap of skin between my fingers, I twisted and pulled it, slicing it off. I dropped it onto his thigh and stabbed through the middle of it into his leg. His tortured cries filled the warehouse, echoing off the walls. It was like music to my ears; an affirmation of my power over him and his suffering at my hands.

“Let’s see,” I hummed. “Your family’s done some fucked up shit to my friends, but what you did to my girls is personal. You hired a hitman.”

“And they failed!” he retorted furiously as I sauntered back to the table. “So, you can keep her!”

I paused for a moment, considering his words. Turning to face him once more, I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. “Are you actually panicking now?” I mocked, before turning back to the table, picking up the pliers and a khukuri knife.

“Bro!” his voice trembled. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Taking care of some unfinished business,” I replied calmly as I walked back to stand in front of him. “I assume you made a call for the hit to take place and used your fingers to dial the number, so I’ll be taking one.” With a sadistic grin, I reached out and grabbed his hand, preparing to crush it with the pliers.

“Nooo!” he roared, but it was too late. The damage had already been done. “When I get loose from this, I’ll?—”

“Innocent people died because of you,” I growled before continuing my torture. Despite the brutal acts I was capable of, my morals always remained intact. My conscience may have been twisted, but it wasn’t broken. People who hurt women, children, the elderly, or animals deserved to burn in hell.

I grasped one of his index fingers tightly with the pliers and squeezed. He let out a piercing cry as I crushed it, throwing his head back in pain. The other guys were still watching intently, and Ian gave me a subtle nod of approval before I brought the khukuri down and severed his digit. His howls of suffering made me feel even more powerful, causing every muscle in my upper body to respond to the noise.

Striding around to face him, I shoved the severed finger into his open mouth, forcing it deep into his throat. He gagged and struggled to spit it out, his eyes wide with terror as it finally surfaced and tumbled onto the floor. A dark chuckle escaped my lips as I casually strolled back behind him, dropping the pliers onto the floor with a loud clanging noise under his chair.

Drawing the knife back, I swung at his arms, but stopped just before I struck. It was too easy. I wanted him to see the torment coming. Laying the knife on the table, I picked up six smaller throwing spikes then strode back over, coming to a stop in front of him.