Page 96 of Secrets of Euphoria

“Tell me who’s calling the shots in your family.”

“Fuck you!” he shouted. “I ain’t telling you shit!”

“Alright, you’re brave again.” I shook my head. “We’ll play your way then.” With a knife in my right hand, I plunged it into his bicep.

“Shit!” he called out, his eyes watering.

“I have five more.” I flashed the blades at him, waving them. “I’ll ask you again!”

“I’m not a fucking rat!” he yelled.

“Right,” I drew back another blade, stabbing it into his upper chest, “I forgot.”

Again, he tried his best to stifle a scream and instead it came out in an agonizing growl, causing more blood to run down his cheek and neck. “Luke, you’re going to die when my men find?—”

Yet again, I stabbed him, this time in the other thigh, causing him to swear at me incoherently in Italian.

“Watch your mouth!” Ian retorted.

“I can keep going, Dante!” I added.

He was drooling, his face covered in blood as he glared at me with hatred in his eyes. He spit on the floor in front of me, it almost splattering my black shoes. “I. Will. Never. Tell. You. Shit!”

I shrugged my shoulder. “I didn’t think you would. From what I know, you’re just like your father was! Talked a lot of shit, but deep down, he was a fucking coward!”

Roaming back to the table, I set the other knives down and picked up the khukuri again. “I want to play a game.” I laughed darkly as I waltzed around to face him again, holding the large knife up for inspection. “One of my favorites, actually.”

His head fell to the side. He watched me intently, his breathing labored.

Pacing in front of him slowly, I kept my gaze locked on him. “He’s,” I pointed to Nico, “going to free you and if you,” I pointed the knife at Dante, “can make it to me. I’ll let you walk out of here.” I aimed the dagger at the door. “You can run back to your little fucking family and tell them I sent you back to them as a little bitch.”

“Fuck you!”

“However,” I continued before he could get another word in as Nico stepped over behind him ready to cut him loose, “if you can’t make it to me, you won’t leave this warehouse alive.”

Nico lifted his gaze to me, waiting for my signal. I meandered closer, holding the khukuri at my side. Drawing it back, I grinned as I brought it down, severing his right foot just above the ankle. He wailed, thrashing around in the chair. He almost fell over, but Nico stabilized him, holding him in place.

“Bet ya wish you had a dick and hot sauce in your ass now, huh?” Nico taunted.

I raised the blade again, bringing it down with force, taking his left foot off just above the ankle. Once again, he thrashed around as Nico bent over, cutting the rope loose between his wrists. He took a step back, laughing menacingly as Dante sobbed. Nothing about him was tough any longer.

“Should I cut off your dick too?” I asked, taking several steps back to put some distance between us.

“You piece of shi—” he pushed off the chair to run to me, but instantly fell. His palms dug into the cement floor as blood pooled underneath his severed limbs.

“You’ve got a little less than an hour, if that, before you bleed out.” I cocked my head, tossing the knife to the floor in front of him. “So, come get me. I’ve made it easy for you.”

Rolling on his back, he began pulling out the knives from his body, starting with the one in his shoulder. “You have… no… idea what you’ve… done,” he panted. “I p-promise… this will… never… end.”

“Maybe not,” I squatted down next to him, looming over him, “but we’re going to have fun taking you all down along the way. We’re getting more creative with how you guys all die.”

“You’re—” he struggled to pull out another blade from his thigh as I stood, “—going to regret?—”

Within a split second, I lifted my foot, bringing the sole of my shoe down on his face. “Shut,” I stomped on him again, “the,” again, “fuck,” again, “UP!”

His body fell limp and quiet. Nico marched over, taking my arm, pulling me away as Ice Man and Ian stepped over. Ice Man bent down, placing a finger to his neck, then held up his wrist.

“Is he gone?” Nico asked.