Page 53 of Secrets of Euphoria

Sean’s smile diminished, and he waved a hand. “Anyway, he said one of the Mussolini boys just got out of prison and was coming after you. And I don’t know if that means anything to any of you,” he darted his gaze to us, “but I figured I’d tell you when you guys got here. Not even sure he knew I was your brother, but it’s just weird. Call it what you want. Coincidence or a trap… I don’t know.”

“Ian,” Tyler murmured, “that night with Roxy. The guy said the next time you kill someone, make sure you kill the entire line.”

Chance scoffed. “They were just bluffing.”

“Clearly they weren’t bluffing.” Tyler replied.

Ian tapped a finger on his lips, glancing at each of us as if he were in deep thought before he lowered his hands, sliding them in his pockets. “We keep an eye on the Mussolini name all the time and I haven’t seen any Mussolini’s in the system in the Northeast at all.” His eyes widened, and he snapped his glare at us. “No way.”

Tyler, reading his mind, yanked his phone from his pocket, swiping and tapping for a moment.

“There’s no fucking way the world is that small.” I shook my head, finally catching on.

“What are you guys talking about?” Chance asked.

“You may as well tell him, Ian,” I said.

Ian closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before turning to his brother. “Do you want to be present for this?”

He threw his hands up. “Not even a little bit. I have to get back downstairs, anyway.” He offered us a nod. “Good seeing you guys again. Don’t be strangers.” He sauntered toward the door. “You got a key, so lock up on your way down.”

“Okay,” Ian replied as Sean disappeared. He twisted back to Chance. “I told them because you’re so adamant about not being one of us, and I didn’t want to involve you unless necessary.”

Chance huffed in annoyance.

Ian paced back and forth in the small area between an oak end table and blue and white paisley chair. “Jade’s ex is out of prison. You probably have no idea who he is because she’s never liked to talk about him.”

Chance shook his head. “No, who is he?”

“Well, up until now, we thought we knew,” I interjected.

“Long story short,” Ian continued, “he hired a hit man to kill several women, including Jade. But the guy killed the wrong person. He’s wicked unstable, and I got word he just got out of prison.” He lifted his chin at Tyler. “I asked Ty to see what information he could get because when I tried to check every computer database, there was no sign he’d been released. So, he didn’t want me to find out, and I’m pretty sure he has plans to go after Jade.”

Chance glanced at the window then back at Ian. “Which explains why we have extra security with us today and why Nico didn’t come into the bar with us and stayed next to the women.”

“Exactly,” Ian replied.

“So,” Chance resumed, “you’re thinking that somehow he may be connected to the Mussolini family?”

I turned to Tyler. “Do you think the Rovati family would know since he’s Tony’s son and all that drama happened?”

Tyler lifted his gaze. “I just texted Emilio to ask, but now I’m finding out a little more info. What I really need to do is get back to my house and grab my laptop, but I can do that after the parade and then take it over to your place.” He bowed his head at Ian. “If that’s okay with you.”

Ian slipped his phone out of his pocket, glancing down at the screen. “Yeah, Jenna just texted me that the parade is about to start and everyone’s safe for now. To be continued this evening, but I don’t want to discuss it in front of them.”

I shifted my attention to Chance. “Just so you know, none of the girls know.”

“And we need to keep it that way until I say otherwise, because I’m not sure where Dante is or what’s going on,” Ian added.

“I’m not saying shit about anything to anyone,” Chance huffed. “The last thing I want is my wife getting mad at me for keeping anything from her.”

We followed Ian to the door, and he let us out first, locking it behind us before also securing the door at the bottom of the stairs. We made our way through the crowded bar, with Ian picking up Kira from Shannon along the way. She giggled and drooled as she waved goodbye to everyone we passed; her latest trick.

As we settled next to the girls, Jade was shivering and slid her arms under my unzipped jacket, pulling me close to her. I draped my arm over her shoulder and leaned in to kiss her softly on the lips.

“You guys were in there for quite a while,” Jenna noted, though she didn’t seem bothered.

Ian put Kira in the stroller, then slinked his arms around Jenna from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. “You know business never stops, and we had something to discuss with Sean.”